Sunday, October 16, 2016

Assignment 9- Logan Gehefer

War is a tough topic to talk about in that most people don't wish to talk about it. However my personal belief is that we must confront our issues head on and that there is indeed an appropriate time for war. War may not be morally right but I wouldn't necessarily call it a lesser of two evils. The way I see it is that the world will never completely get along due to opinion. Opinion creates conflict and the more hot headed ones act on this creating more conflict. Most people look to better themselves and when people start threatening you and your nations lives, you don't just idly sit back, you act upon it and attack. This is when war is appropriate and often it is the only means, you can send diplomats to try and resolve the issue but when that doesn't work, you attack. Countries have the responsibility to go to war when they are protecting the lives of their people. I'm not saying just go around and attack everyone who looks at you wrong, but I am saying if your peoples lives are in danger, you must fight to keep them save.

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