Sunday, October 16, 2016

Assignment 8- Gus Carlson

Fears: heights, speaking in front of any amount of people
Annoyances: people failing to accept that they might be wrong, rude people
Accomplishments: good at math, being good at taking standardized tests
Confusions: people that are okay with their lack of knowledge in something that affects them
Sorrows: eating lots of unhealthy food, being too sarcastic
Dreams: being able to travel the world
Idiosyncrasies: doing random math in my head to pass time or concentrate, constantly varying amounts of energy not related to amount of sleep
Risks: talking in front of people, letting anyone know my emotions
Prized Possessions: anything that anyone gave me (then), my brain and any book (now)
Problems: procrastinating, organizing things

  One of my biggest problems is my procrastination. I almost always manage to finish everything I need to do, but I do not do it efficiently or in a timely manner. Here I sit, typing this blog post 11:00 on the last night to do it. No matter how badly I want to do something early, I cannot focus on it. I would much rather focus on doing absolutely nothing and just existing than doing any kind of work that I have multiple days to do. This adds far too much stress to my life, as I have to complete tasks quickly and rushed right before I have to have them done. I have to set aside large blocks of time to do homework on certain days because I know I will have a lot to do. On the other hand, I do work most efficiently when I am in last minute panic mode. I can type a five paragraph essay in fifteen minutes if I am rushing as quickly as possible, and I can "save" a lot of time. Considering that this saved time is spent doing anything less important and that the quality of work drops off significantly, one of my goals is to procrastinate less in order to better cope with the large junior work load. Hopefully, this will help my grades and stress levels this school year.

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