Saturday, October 15, 2016

Assignment 6 - Erin Caudill

1. If there was one event in history that you could be present at, what would it be and why?
2. How long do you think you could go without talking to anyone (in person, texting, on the phone, etc.)?
3. Take the Myer Briggs personality test and explain how you think each letter of your personality type applies to you.

2. If I'm being completely honest, I probably wouldn't last more than an hour without talking to a single other human being. There are too many reasons that I would need to talk to somebody or would just want to talk to somebody. I'm extroverted, so I get my energy from being around people and talking to people, and without that I get really agitated and annoyed. I hate being alone and not talking to people so I'd not be able to not talk to people. Of course, the one exception would be if I'm really focused on working on something because whenever that happens I can go hours without interacted with anybody. It depends on the situation I guess, but a majority of the time I'd probably only go 5 minutes without talking to anybody.

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