Sunday, October 2, 2016

Assignment 8- Nick Joseph

Fears: Losing people I care about, not living up to expectations (both others' and my own)
Annoyances: Entitled people, bad customer service, slow gas pumps
Accomplishments: Good grades, balancing work and school
Confusions: People who make stupid/ selfish decisions
Sorrows: Too much work, not enough time
Dreams: Good education, interesting career (doctor?), wife and kids
Idiosyncrasies: Workaholic, rule follower (sometimes)
Risks: Peanut allergy, so food; generally not being scared of much; sense of overconfidence
Beloved Possessions: My first baseball glove (then), my grandfather's knife (now)
Problems: Perfectionist, easily bored

The three things that annoy me the most are entitled people, bad customer service, and slow gas pumps, probably in that order.  I have always thought it is funny how money can have two opposite, yet equally powerful, effects on people.  A lack of it can lead to a strong work ethic and an intrinsic motivation, which is necessary in order to move up in the world.  A surplus of it creates a person with a non-existent work ethic.  I never understood parents who give their kids big things, such as a car, without any sweat equity or money put forth by the kid.  It seems to me these kids will grow up entitled and less likely to truly work for things. I cannot stand poor customer service.  I have two examples.  First, I went into Krispy Kreme this morning.  There was no line, and no one behind me.  I ordered two doughnuts (blueberry cake obviously) and the lady put the bag on the counter and told me to wait for another employee to ring me up.  Nobody did.  I was quite literally the only one in the store and there were at least five employees who could have helped me but did not.  I waited about three minutes and finally just tossed a couple dollars on the counter and left.  Second, our DMV sucks.  They never answer the phone.  I was trying to schedule an appointment during regular business hours and all the lines were either dead or recordings.  I ended up calling a totally different segment of government, which surprisingly enough worked out.  Finally, I hate slow gas pumps.  The Speedway on the corner of Todds and Man O War is awful, and Costco is great. 

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