Sunday, October 16, 2016

Assignment 6- Logan Gehefer

- If you had to pick one movie to watch for the rest of your life, which would it be?
-If you could become anything in the world that you wanted instantly, what would you wish to be?
- From a choice of music, which genre intrigues you the most and which do you most often listen to?

I'll be responding to the first prompt because I love film. If i could only watch one movie for the rest of my life, it would have to be either Fight Club or Se7en in that these two movies never get old to me and happen to be two of my favorite films. These films are masterpieces that keep your mind thinking and both conclude with amazing endings. Spoiler Alert, the fact that Brad Pitt and the Seria Killer were the last two sins was an amazing wrap up to a well filmed and well executed movie. Fight Club is one of the movies you have to watch multiple times because once you figure out that Tyler is really just the narrator, the movie kind of plays with your head from there. These are two movies I could never get tired of and watch for the rest of my life.

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