Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Assignment 5- Reagan Smith

       TV, or television as some may call it, was revolutionary in the 1920s/30s just as internet was in the 90s. It eventually shifted from a luxury to common place, even to a problem discussed in elementary school gym class, related to the rise in obesity related to TV watching.
     I did not let my gym teacher’s talk scare me away from watching TV, just like I do not let TV stand in the way of exercising. I watch TV for news and entertainment, however mostly for information because we all know that reality TV is actually the farthest thing from what really happens. Overall, TV (and Hulu, and Netflix, and Amazon Prime Video, and… all of the things that replicate TV), is a good form of entertainment- there are so many options to choose from. At the same time, TV, along with many other forms of technology have led people to live more sedentary life styles than they did 20 or 30 years ago. On top of that, TV has also made it much easier to provide opportunities for advertising. This is advantageous to the advertisers, but largely a negative for those on the receiving end of those propaganda campaigns to buy products (or buy into idead) that we don’t necessarily want and definitely don’t need.
     In the end, TV is probably more of an advantage than a disadvantage to us today, because it puts us in touch with information with the click of a remote, which just feels different than watching something online.

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