Friday, October 21, 2016

Assignment 10- Emma Tucker

I get the privilege of sitting next to Brianna Scott in English this year. Brianna and I have gone to school together for six years, but we didn't really get to know each other until freshmen year. Over the course of these last two years though Brianna has become one of my very best friends. Brianna is one of the most genuine people I know. She is kind and funny, and she always has something to say. She has the best since of humor because she laughs at anything and everything, no matter how ridiculous. Brianna loves Kentucky sports, and she has watched more TV shows on Netflix than anyone else I have ever met. Brianna cares about the people in her life deeply, and she radiates love and joy to everyone she meets. One of the things I admire most about Brianna is even through all trials she has experienced, she looks on the bright side and always finds the silver lining. Brianna is extremely active in her church and her love for Jesus inspires me every day. Brianna exudes wisdom and confidence in everything she does. If she was a color she would be red because she is passionate, bold, and loving, and if she was an animal she would be a wildcat because her love for Kentucky runs so deep I couldn't imagine her as anything else. In five years I see Brianna living in Kentucky, and doing a job that is unique and interesting. But more importantly I see her joyful and living life how she does now, full of love and excitement. I feel blessed to not only sit by Brianna in class, but getting to call her such a dear friend.

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