Sunday, October 16, 2016

Assignment 3 - Ethan MacGillivray

I don't believe that there is a truly good person or a truly evil person anywhere in the world. There simply is a gray area that all people are in, ranging from almost all good to almost all evil. One example is Anakin Skywalker, who was originally on the good side in Star Wars as a Jedi Knight, but eventually crossed over to the dark side, using his powers for evil as Darth Vader. I also don't think that neither good nor evil could ever be completely extinguished from the world. There will always be some evil, no matter how much of it is overwhelmed by good, or vice versa. ISIS is another good example. No matter how much money we put into the fight against them, even with the help of the rest of the world, we won't be able to completely exterminate those ideals. There will always be people, no matter how few of them there are, that hate the western world and are trying to terrorize it.

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