Thursday, October 6, 2016

Assignment 8- Emma Tucker

Fears- failure, living an average life, snakes
Annoyances- people running into you in the hallway and not apologizing; teachers who assign a lot of work and don't grade it, chapped lips
Accomplishments- my school work; creating strong friendships
Confusions- science; people who forget that other people can have a different opinion than them and not be wrong
Sorrows- the outcome of the presidential election (either one)
Dreams- having an exciting career, traveling the world, having a husband and a couple kids, seeing Britney Spears in concert
Idiosyncrasies- I talk to myself
Risks- moving away from home for college (hopefully)
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then- Then: my American Girl dolls and Bitty Babies- Now: fun memories/ pictures and videos of my family and friends
Problems- doubt, fear

Fear is a funny thing. For some people it is all consuming, for some people it is something they try their best to ignore. However, for most of us its this little voice in the back of our head almost constantly remind us the way something can go wrong. Whether it is how a venomous snake can bite and kill you, or how many ways a trip can go wrong, fear's main goal is to scare us into not putting ourselves out there and trying new things. But in order to live a life worth living we have to be able to overcome this fear, and we do this through the thing that is the opposite of fear.

The opposite of fear is faith. Faith in the people around you. Faith in your friends and family, believing that they will stand beside you and help you no matter what. And the most important, faith in a God that has a plan for your life and that will walk beside you for your entire life. Most people desire to live a life full of adventure and excitement, but when we are to wrapped up in our own fear this is almost impossible. We have to have faith that what is meant to happen will happen, and not let fear stop us from living.

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