Sunday, October 9, 2016

Assignment 8 - Joseph Cook

Fears: Large spiders, the dark, the supernatural, death.
Annoyances: Children who think they're cool.
Accomplishments: lol.
Confusions: Life, why I'm not a cat, why I don't have more cats, why cats are so great.
Sorrows: somewhere out there, there is a dying animal.
Dreams: I dreamed last night that I got $100, I was disappointed when I woke up.
Idiosyncrasies: I'm too laid back.
Risks: I will do almost anything.
Beloved Possessions: my late cat then, my alive cat now.
Problems: I don't care enough about the right things and I care too much about the wrong things.

I'm confused about cats. They sleep all day, they don't do much, but they're still so wonderful. I wish I could do that. As a human I have so much to do. Cats don't have this problem. They just get to sleep the day away. Its not really fair. I guess they just have been better in previous lives, so buddha said they got good karma, reffered them to jesus as good people, and jesus made them cats. I don't really know, but this is my theory. Another one of my theories is that one day, I will form a cocoon around myself and metamorphosize into a kitten. But this is all just speculation.

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