Sunday, October 16, 2016

Assignment 8 - Ethan MacGillivray

Fears: spiders, heights, getting hurt (seriously)
Annoyances: unintelligent people
Accomplishments: being liked by every parent I've met
Confusions: replying to sarcasm (or anyone I don't know well)
Sorrows: anger during sports, unhealthy eating (thanks metabolism)
Dreams: playing professional soccer
Idiosyncrasies: random noises, knowledge of soccer and FIFA
Risks: talking to girls
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then: then-stuffed dog, now-permit (soon to be license)
Problems: conversation, winning state soccer championship (lost 3 in one year)

One time during Academy Seminar freshman year, Ms. Jaquith (now Mrs. Stephens) made us fill out a survey and our results put us on a graph like an x-y graph, with quadrants. It put us into four categories, Eagle, Hawk, Dove, and Owl. With the 101 kids in the Academy at that time there were around 30 kids in the Eagle, Hawk, and Dove groups. There were only six or seven in the Owl group. I was one of them. The survey was over our personality, and the Owl was an introvert that doesn't like to talk a lot, and is usually pretty nice, but the thing I remember most about it was that it said we didn't deal with stupidity very well. Before that, I hadn't realized it, but after I read it, it perfectly described me. I thought about it and realized that almost every single one of my friends are either in the Academy or just intelligent in general. When I meet people that don't meet my standard of intelligence that I have for people, I almost always don't like them or try to be friends with them. I only have two or three that I acknowledge are not up to my standard but are still my good friends, and they are usually funny guys on my soccer team. Since then, I have been much more careful about how i deal with people that aren't as intelligent as I would like them to be, because it is not completely their fault. I try to be nice to them, but I also try to end the conversation quickly and nicely, since the longer I talk to them, the more mad and annoyed I get.

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