Thursday, October 27, 2016

Assignment 11- Emma Tucker

As children most of us experienced a time where we were overcome with fear. For some this could be going into the ocean, or seeing a creepy bug, or coming across a snake on a family hike. But for me, a kid whose biggest fear was getting in trouble, the moment I can still vividly remember being overcome with fear happened in a hotel room when my family had come up to visit my aunt in Lexington before we moved here. We were staying in adjoining hotel rooms and my brother Jake and I were entertaining ourselves by calling our grandparents in the other room on the hotel phones. It was all fun and games until one time it was my turn to call, but instead of hearing our grandparents' voices on the line we heard, "This is Shelia from the front desk and it is not appropriate to be making all these phone calls. We are sending hotel security up to your room right now." Of course my perfectionist younger self very quickly made it to a point of hysteria, running to my mom that we were probably about to be escorted off to hotel prison. There were tears and screams of fear as Jake and I dreamed about what kind of punishment you receive in hotel prison. This went on for a few minutes until my aunt finally confessed that she was in fact Shelia from the front desk and that we were not actually in trouble. The situation may have been completely concocted by my cruel, but funny, aunt, but the fear I felt in those moments stays with me.

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