Monday, October 31, 2016

Assignment 12- Nick Joseph

Narrowing it down to one inanimate object for which to write this blog was a little tough.  In the end, I decided upon a refrigerator.  Refrigerators, often referred to simply as fridges, no doubt lead a very interesting “life.”  They see everything that goes on in the kitchen.  Some may even go so far as to describe them as the bosses of the kitchen.  Imagine being a refrigerator, forever still and motionless, yet critical and highly necessary.  Humans appreciate fridges, and for great reason.  Were it not for the refrigerator, many humans would not eat.  The sense of helpfulness that a refrigerator must feel when its doors are opened is amazing.  After all, everyone likes to feel needed.  If I was a refrigerator, I would enjoy seeing what types of food each family member chose to eat.  It would also be exciting to eavesdrop on conversations.  Your refrigerator knows way more about you than you would initially think.  I would love to trade places with my refrigerator for a day.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Assignment 10 - Haley Drake

Sitting next to Katie always makes any class more interesting. I've been in classes with her since middle school, but never really got to know her until recently. The first thing I remember noticing about her is her hilarious sense of humor, which I feel like a lot of people misunderstand. While at first glance she seems a bit cantankerous and reckless, in reality she is the most considerate and understanding person I know. She has an unmatched compassion for all animals (except bugs!) and I know that in five years she will be well on her way to becoming a veterinarian, or whatever she sets her mind to be. Her hobbies include music, taking pictures of her dogs, and volunteering with animals. If she were any color, for some reason the first one that came to mind was a light gray. Not that her personality is boring or anything like that, because it's definitely not. I think gray came to mind because she reminds me of a rainy autumn day at home, having a cup of tea and watching the storm. Maybe not everyone's idea of a perfect day, but that's exactly where I'd want to be. Anyway, Katie is a great friend and I love having her around!

Assignment 12-Kathleen Gibbs

Over the summer, I laced up my favorite golf shoes almost every day. But, one tournament day was especially exciting for them. Our golf coach always tells us that you must allow your brain to be in a place where you are comfortable with winning. Up until this point, the shoes had come about dead last in every tournament and this was the last one of the season and the last opportunity for them to make it into the “Tournament of Champions”, an invitational tournament. So, they had to make this one count. After playing a mediocre front nine, their mindset changed drastically and they played the back nine 2 over. But, knowing that they were tied with their playing partner going into the last hole (not knowing that was also tied for the lead of the tournament), had to play the last hole perfectly to have a shot at victory. Miraculously, the little shoes, pulled out a par, for the win, while their playing partner had a rough double bogey.   

Assignment 12: Brave Little Toasters

In Toy Story, (and yes they are making a Toy Story 4 - a romantic comedy with Woody and Bo Peep) the inanimate comes to life and engages in more exciting adventures than most people have. In the Brave Little Toaster, a toaster gathers together enough strength and courage to fight off the most ferocious household objects.

And Marcel...well Marcel the Shell can't do much at all, but he attempts to make the most out of his small world.

This week, choose your favorite inanimate item and describe a day/moment/adventure in their life. Imagine their point of view and how they would see the world.

Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, November 6th at 11:59 pm

December 4th is the last day to make up blogs 9-16

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Assignment 11 - Maddie Klumb

First things first: I probably freak out a little (who wouldn't?). I  have to find somewhere to go because I don't have any weapons or way to defend myself. My dogs are my only real form of protection. First, pack lots of water and snacks. Second, go to a semi-protected location, preferably with many other people. Walmart is probably the best option because some of them sell guns. Also, being with other people will increase my chances of survival, safety in numbers and all that jazz.  Another reason to go to Walmart is they have a supply of food, water, clothes, and just about anything else you would need. Going to Walmart lessens the amount of things you need to carry with you when traveling, because most things are stocked in house. This leaves more room for pets, family, friends, and sentimental items. Honestly I probably wouldn't survive a zombie attack as I have no real self defense skills.
Included for your viewing pleasure:

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Assignment 11- Emma Tucker

As children most of us experienced a time where we were overcome with fear. For some this could be going into the ocean, or seeing a creepy bug, or coming across a snake on a family hike. But for me, a kid whose biggest fear was getting in trouble, the moment I can still vividly remember being overcome with fear happened in a hotel room when my family had come up to visit my aunt in Lexington before we moved here. We were staying in adjoining hotel rooms and my brother Jake and I were entertaining ourselves by calling our grandparents in the other room on the hotel phones. It was all fun and games until one time it was my turn to call, but instead of hearing our grandparents' voices on the line we heard, "This is Shelia from the front desk and it is not appropriate to be making all these phone calls. We are sending hotel security up to your room right now." Of course my perfectionist younger self very quickly made it to a point of hysteria, running to my mom that we were probably about to be escorted off to hotel prison. There were tears and screams of fear as Jake and I dreamed about what kind of punishment you receive in hotel prison. This went on for a few minutes until my aunt finally confessed that she was in fact Shelia from the front desk and that we were not actually in trouble. The situation may have been completely concocted by my cruel, but funny, aunt, but the fear I felt in those moments stays with me.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Assignment 10- Ella Jensen

I arrived to the class a little later in the year so I am choosing whom I would like to analyze. I have gotten to know Grace Bond a little more closely through the past 3 years and through volleyball. If Grace were a colour she would be a periwinkle because she isn’t the person to be the light in the room or obnoxiously happy like a yellow person but she’s a calm inviting shade of blue/purple/greyish. In 5 years we will be juniors in college, and I have a hard time seeing 5 months into my future let alone someone else’s. I think she will be at a really good school but maybe doing something different from what she thinks now. But that’s kinda true for everyone. And if Grace were an animal, she would be a pug or a possum. I think she could be a possum because she can be cute (like have you ever seen a possum’s little hands) but also a lil feisty.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Assignment 11- Nick Joseph

The world is a very scary place.  One of my biggest fears is the unknown.  I am a pretty controlling person.  Generally, I like to be in charge.  In fact, I would rather be in charge of a tough project than leave it in the hands of a team member who may or may not get it done: I guess you could say I just trust myself more than I trust others.  It is hard to be in control, however, when you do not know what is happening.  A lack of knowledge is scary.  Nothing is  worse than not being able to take action, particularly in a dangerous situation, due to a lack of knowledge about the circumstances regarding the danger.  Even in a bad situation, if you at least know the details of what is happening and why it is happening, you can make a plan and potentially take action.  Just "waiting it out" is agonizing, in  any aspect of life.  For this reason, I hate the unknown.

Assignment 9- Brianna Scott

If you went out on the street and asked someone if they "liked" war, any sane person would say no. War is one of those things that is very hard to discuss, morally and politically. As a politician, you have to make decisions based on the safety of your own people. The preamble to the Constitution says that the Government should "...Establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare..." On the moral side of things, you have to accept that through the protection of people at home, lives are put at risk. In whomever the decision is held, they must combine their personal, religious and political beliefs and do what is right for their country.

Assignment 9 - Haley Drake

My question is: do people really decide to go to war? Or are they forced to? In my reasoning, there isn't ever a time for war if it's not an act of desperation and a last resort. There is always time before conflict rises to the point of necessary action. In that time, cooperation should be possible and the conflict resolved. Of course it's unreasonable to have faith that the people in charge will always be open to compromise, so this is where I'd say most wars begin. If only people were able to listen and cooperate even in the height of conflict - then I don't think war would be necessary at all.

Assignment 10-Elizabeth Ueland

In fifth hour English class I have the pleasure of sitting next to THE Ethan MacGillivary. I have known Ethan since freshman year and we have bonded throughout this year in English class. The incessant sarcastic comments Ethan throws at me never cease to lighten up my day and I have learned a lot about him during the school year. Ethan is a gifted student, talented athlete and enjoys: listening to Chinese rap music, playing soccer, and gloating about his math test scores. Overall, I would characterize Ethan as a dark blue color because he is a calm and kind boy-except when he gets flustered and takes his anger out on things like a bench (hypothetically speaking). Ethan is a hardworking student and will excel in life at whatever he chooses to do. He always has a positive attitude and makes English class enjoyable for the people around him, and especially me.

Assignment 10 - Benjamin Givens

I sit next to Gus, and when he is around no one is safe. He has a very large positive influence on the expectations for staying closely grounded to reality. He has a way of looking at any situation and finding the humor and deprecating joke in it. Whenever you make a mistake, its not that he will be mean about it, but that he makes you feel as though you really can do better, and that the barrier to success is not a magical force from the heavens or luck, but an obvious and clear solution: work at it. He manages to do this all while always being sarcastic and funny. Part of the way he pulls this off is not by being infallible, but by being brilliant and calculating. It is amazing to see him instantly pull up a math answer after being given a word problem or quickly memorize a list of authors and works. He has natural talent, but more than that he is willing to work to do something he wants to do better. Whether that is playing a game or doing school work. So I say that no one is safe around Gus, not as a commentary about physical safety or some sort of threat, but saying that he has an influence around people that makes them want to work harder, to reach his level of understanding, to have his work ethic.

assignment 11 - Joseph Cook

I don't have many of the items listed below. Yet.

If the zombies attacked, I would first go into my underground bunker where I have 1 year worth of food, a water reclamation system, a hydroponic farm that incorporates a fish farm, and a geothermal generator. This system should be able to keep me alive for years. I would also probably have lots of ammunition down there in case any zombies found their way in. In case of an emergency that would require ditching my abode, I would have a large amphibious vehicle stocked with all of the essentials, plus seeds. it would be nuclear powered, so it wouldn't run out of energy any time soon. this vehicle would be fitted with treads, a large 360 degree artillery turret, and 8 smaller machine guns around the outside. It would have a floor area of around 500 sq. ft. and be 8 feet tall. This tank would have a nuclear warhead inside of it as a last line of defense, to at least kill all surrounding zombies.

If I am in the town of the zombies origin, that warhead is going off as soon as I hear about it. RIP zombies. And myself.

Assignment 11: BOO

ZOMBIES HAVE ATTACKED. Detail your survival plan.


Explain what scares you the most and why.


Describe a moment in which you were fraught with peril. Tell it as a ghost story.


In the vein of David Sedaris write an observational humorist piece related to your daily life: school, home, social, etc.  (don't be mean)

Happy Halloween!

Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, October 30th at 11:59 pm

December 4th is the last day to make up blogs 9-16

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Assignment 11-Kathleen Gibbs

If there was a zombie apocalypse, I would first drive to the Louisville slugger museum and stock up on baseball bats so, when the opportunity arises, I, or the people I had decided to surround myself with, could kill the zombies. I would also make a stop at the grocery store and buy water and all of the food that could fit in my car. Then, if I remember correctly, Colonel Brown told us he had a bunker at his house, I would go to Colonel Brown’s house and live in his bunker until the zombies had been taken care of. I would not try and fight any zombies or stop the apocalypse, I would air on the defensive side of the apocalypse. I would only fight the zombies if I had run out of food and water, or they had found me in the bunker and were trying to kill me.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Assignment 10- Emma Tucker

I get the privilege of sitting next to Brianna Scott in English this year. Brianna and I have gone to school together for six years, but we didn't really get to know each other until freshmen year. Over the course of these last two years though Brianna has become one of my very best friends. Brianna is one of the most genuine people I know. She is kind and funny, and she always has something to say. She has the best since of humor because she laughs at anything and everything, no matter how ridiculous. Brianna loves Kentucky sports, and she has watched more TV shows on Netflix than anyone else I have ever met. Brianna cares about the people in her life deeply, and she radiates love and joy to everyone she meets. One of the things I admire most about Brianna is even through all trials she has experienced, she looks on the bright side and always finds the silver lining. Brianna is extremely active in her church and her love for Jesus inspires me every day. Brianna exudes wisdom and confidence in everything she does. If she was a color she would be red because she is passionate, bold, and loving, and if she was an animal she would be a wildcat because her love for Kentucky runs so deep I couldn't imagine her as anything else. In five years I see Brianna living in Kentucky, and doing a job that is unique and interesting. But more importantly I see her joyful and living life how she does now, full of love and excitement. I feel blessed to not only sit by Brianna in class, but getting to call her such a dear friend.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Assignment 10 - Maddie Klumb

I sit next to Elizabeth Salamanca in English. She is on the speech team, plays flute in band, and helped start Girl Up Club. She is one of the nicest people you will ever meet. The needs of her friends (and even those she doesn't know very well) are put above her own. She is very responsible and always has her homework done no matter the situation (I don't know how she does it). Her favorite color is pink, and I think it suits her very well. In five years, I see her as having graduated college (she wants to go to UK) and pursuing her engineering career. I know she will be successful and happy with whatever she is doing because she always gives one-hundred and ten percent. If I had to pick an animal to compare her to, I would choose a dog because she is loyal, loving, and a great best friend.

Assignment 3- Ella Jensen

Joe and Chris are best friends. Neither have done a single wrong thing in their life and they both have kind loving parents. Suddenly, Joe starts doing drugs and he's making decisions he's never made before; smoking, stealing, and getting into fights. Chris was raised the same way as Joe and is doing just fine but his best friend has gone down the deep end. The only difference is the external influence of drugs. This illustrates how I feel about bad versus evil. It does make a good storyline or movie to have these undeniably good people fighting the world's "evil" to make society safer but they're just not truly evil. There is never not an external reason for bad behavior. On the other hand, since these external influences will always be present, there is no way to eliminate all the bad in the world. Also, there will always be people that are just so good it makes you sick. Like they would rather be tortured for years on end then commit a single sin. But I also believe someone can be good and do something bad but then go back to being good as soon as that external influence leaves their life, because, that's what was making them bad to begin with.

Assignment 2- Ella Jensen

I love having the technology we do today, obviously I couldn't imagine life without it. I tried one week to not use technology at all to prove my mom wrong and I did it but I was so bored and all I could do was bake. I made 13 pies and 40 cookies in one week. Today, technology makes school ridiculously easy because anytime I'm struggling with a topic or a question, all I have to do is look it up. And when I write essays, I just speak it into my notes and then make sure everything looks okay before submitting. I do recognize the abuses in our society though, the amounts of times I have had to sit through the cyber bulling presentation makes that very evident. Also, the amount of times people use the internet to plagiarize is actually scary. Personally, having access to the technology that I do hasn't hurt me or handicapped me in anyway that I'm self aware of. I'm kind of scared how technology will develop over the next 50 or 100 years. I fully believe that if taken to a certain extent our society could end up like one in Brave New World or other dystopian fantasies. We are so close to being able to commercially genetically modify babies and so when would that become the norm? I don't think I would want to live in another time period just because I am so lazy because I have all of this technology but if I was raised in that time period ignorant of the future, then I wouldn't mind having to adapt to less technology.  

Assignment 8- Ella Jensen

Fears- being old and alone, my dad dying, becoming allergic to dogs, failing
Annoyances- people smacking their food or just chewing loudly, excessive dog licking
Accomplishments- only when I was little
Confusions- how @ryanwilliam97 thinks that periods can be stopped by girls holding it in, my face gets red any time I feel an emotion
Sorrows- ASPCA videos, movies where the dogs get hurt, confrontation
Dreams- Own a lot of dogs, be successful
Idiosyncrasies- I click at people to get their attention (like you do with pets) and I bite little bits of my gum off and chew them before I eat more until I finish the stick
Risks- I want to skydive and I have cliff jumped
Beloved possessions- My dogs and computer
problems- college, not enough hours in the day, lose motivation very quickly

All my life I have always been interested in the things that could get you killed. Like I'm not suicidal but I absolutely love activities that have a high risk factor. For example, when I was a toddler I loved to run away from my mom and walk into the street and hope that cars would stop. They did every time but I gave my mom at least 50 heart attacks. Then as I realized that cars could kill me, I started to walk behind cars but I would start before they were completely pass me so that I would feel the wind of the car as I walked. One time I got so close that I felt the car on my leg and another time the car broke my foot. It always scares my friends but it's low key my fav. The most common thing I'll say to my friends is "the driver does not want manslaughter, so they'll stop." Now I am certified to white river canoe so there's always a chance to die with that. I'm so excited for when I turn 18 next year because I get to skydive which is like the ultimate almost dying thing to do. Except I did the cliff gliding thing before too and I felt like a flying squirrel. Moral of the story, I'll die before 50.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Assignment 9- Reagan Smith

War- An interesting and tough topic to discuss. It is a political issue and a moral issue. The basis of war over the history of the world has been many different reasons. War is necessary when it helps to protect a nation- on the defense, not necessarily offense. The idea is simple, but deciding what is protecting a nation is not. In response to the question of morals and the fact about Mennonites, one of the commandments was Thou Shall Not Kill, but God supported His people in times of war, even coming down to the battle of David and Goliath. If someone comes up to a soldier with a lethal weapon (gun, knife, …) is it “more moral” to let the person kill the soldier? No, the soldier should defend himself. When the United States was attacked on 9/11, we had to fight against the terrorists, because they targeted civilians. It was the lesser of the evils to protect the citizens by killing people overseas. The war was long and drawn out, which is another issue, but the issue is rooted in, which is less wrong, not necessarily who is more right?

Assignment 8- Reagan Smith

Fears- not doing the best that I can.
Annoyances- distracting noises during class.
Accomplishments- Student Council and Church leadership positions.
Confusions- why our country is so politically divided.
Sorrows- that I didn’t complete this blog post before now.
Dreams- to become a doctor.
Idiosyncrasies- knowing some random, but useful facts about a variety of topics.
Risks- A risk taker with thoughts and ideas in groups, but not dangerous ones.
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then- Then: tangible “want” items like computer. Now: tangible and abstract “items” that are needs- family, house, education, etc.
Problems- procrastination, well I guess that might be obvious.

I am posting this tonight in hopes that whoever reads it will help me stay accountable to my progress with procrastination. My grandfather said, “Don’t put off anything until tomorrow that can be done today.” (Or something similar). The idea itself is good in theory, but often hard to practice. Today, I could finish numerous long term assignments- some that are required for school, and other projects that I have been working on for various groups. But the time required to complete those assignments is large. I know he didn’t mean for me to take that literally, but at the same time, I have to draw the line somewhere. My plan of action is to write down all of my assignments, whether they are short or long term and set deadlines for myself, preferably prior to the actual due date, and prioritize what needs to be done when, and begin finishing assignments well before they are due rather than five minutes before they are due. 

Assignment 8 - Benjamin Givens

Fears: Failure, Imperfection
Annoyances: Disorganization, Pressure, Limited time
Accomplishments: Programmatic understanding, Relative Academic Success
Confusions: Orientation, Motivation, Discipline
Sorrows: Not productive as desired, Many incomplete projects
Dreams: Collegiate success, Relative career success
Idiosyncrasies: Twitching, Gaming interest
Risks: Avoid
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then: Books (then), Computer and Peripherals (now)
Problems: Looming assignments, Motivation/Disciplinary struggle

One of my largest struggles when trying to be successful whether in school or doing any skill has been fear of ending with something that doesn't meet my standards. There have been many papers in English and history and math that could have been turned in, but weren't because they weren't at the quality level that I expect from myself. I convinced myself that at some point I was going to revise it, and make it better. However, in reality it was a ridiculous idea. It was never going to be advanced beyond that point, even if I hated the point that it was at. This struggle cost me many late grades for no advantage. Turning in something that gets a 60% is still a greater grade than turning the same assignment for 50% credit, even if it was improved to 100% level quality. The refusal to turn in something, simply because of protecting my own ego about what the level of quality should be while a great value in theory simply didn't work, because I wasn't actually motivated enough to do the work required to bring it the appropriate level. If I had been, I wouldn't have put it off in the first place. I still struggle with this issue, though I feel that by having a personal understanding of it, it has helped me to address it.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Assignment 8 - Haley Drake

Fears: judgement, failure, unhappiness 
Annoyances: laziness, negativity 
Accomplishments: still being in the academy and still challenging myself, keeping up with friends I don't see every day any more 
Confusions: injustice 
Sorrows: anxiety and lack of confidence 
Dreams: being happy in my career and life, keeping busy 
Idiosyncrasies: music nerd, generally a nerd 
Risks: not sleeping enough,  
Beloved Possessions: Then - laptop, violin, guitars, CDs, Now - phone, violin, guitars, spotify account? 
Problems: Time management, stress 
One of the most common fears I've noticed is "failure," which I can relate to, and maybe everyone has felt at some point in their life. We're afraid that the hard work and effort we've put into our lives won't ever result in any reward or "success." Success is a pretty vague term though - everyone has something different in mind. Maybe success means wealth or fame; or maybe it's a spiritual, religious reward. Personally, the dream is just happiness. When I imagine the end of the road, the dream is to be happy with what I've done and where I've ended up. I hope I never have to look back and regret life because of something I didn't do. So basically, my fear is that I won't find myself incredibly busy. I want to keep trying new things and having new experiences, and I'm afraid that somehow anxiety or fear of putting myself out there will get in the way somehow.  

Assignment 4 - Haley Drake

This act of defiance shocked the world and especially the people of China. As hundreds of student demonstrators stormed Tiananmen Square in 1989, Chinese leadership took drastic measures to end the protest. A sole man took the unbelievable action of standing in front of a tank which had already attacked other protesters. While the identity of the man and the fate of his action is unknown, the assumed outcome was shocking enough to iconize him. The photo, though disheartening for some, represented the horrors of the Tiananmen Square event. It represented defiance in the face of oppression, and unreasonable bravery in a horrific situation.

Assignment 2 - Haley Drake

I'd say technology is definitely more of a good thing than a bad thing. I wouldn't say it's affected me in any majorly positive way - I could live without it. But things have been made so much easier because of recent technology. I can go from one side of the Earth to the other in a day, I live in a comfortable house with clean water at my finger tips. Even in the last 20 years, the internet allows for any information I could possibly need to be accessed in a matter of seconds. That's why right now is the time period I would most prefer to live in. I can interact with my friends, even those that live 10 hours away. And I can learn anything at any time, even outside of school or a library. Personally, my favorite influence technology has had is its influence on music, and the fact that I can listen to pretty much any music that's ever been published by going on the internet. That fact alone has changed so much about the world and entertainment. Generally, any person who yells at their local young people about how technology has ruined the world is just understandably afraid of the change that's happened in the world.

Assignment 10- Nick Joseph

Being in the Academy is beneficial because it is a school within a school.  This allows us to get to know our peers and classmates very well.  I feel as if I am close with the majority of the people I have classes with.  In English, I sit next to Logan.  I have known Logan for three years.  He is a very nice guy and is very fun to have a conversation with.  Logan loves to play basketball.  He goes to the blue courts to play with friends quite often.  He likes to listen to music.  He likes rap music, especially Drake, hence the nickname Baby Drizzy.  I would characterize him as the color blue because he is relatively laid back.  If he was an animal, he would be a lion because he is persistent.  In five years, I see Logan working in an exciting job.  I'm not quite sure what he will be doing, but I do not think he will be sitting behind a desk.  Logan is a very interesting person and you should make an effort to get to know him.

Assignment 9- Nick Joseph

War has always been a controversial issue.  With this being said, it has shaped the world as we know it today.  Without war, many things may have evolved differently.  I believe that their is a time for war.  The war after the terrorist attacks on 9/11 is a perfect example.  When someone harms you or those you care about, you have not only the right, but also the responsibility to retaliate in order to preserve justice and order.  Often times, this is the morally right option.  If a group of people has caused substantial harm to another group, they deserve to pay the price.  With this being said, it is not always the right decision to wage war.  The United States is not (and should not be) the policemen of the world.  We need to protect our own interests first, and only then should we move to help others.  Countless dollars have been wasted on these "non-important" wars over the years.  We are responsible to go to war when justice is needed.  Again, my mind jumps back to 9/11.  There are alternatives.  One example is peaceful negotiations.  This takes longer however and is not always effective.  As is obvious, the entire concept of war is a tough issue to address.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Assignment 8- Gus Carlson

Fears: heights, speaking in front of any amount of people
Annoyances: people failing to accept that they might be wrong, rude people
Accomplishments: good at math, being good at taking standardized tests
Confusions: people that are okay with their lack of knowledge in something that affects them
Sorrows: eating lots of unhealthy food, being too sarcastic
Dreams: being able to travel the world
Idiosyncrasies: doing random math in my head to pass time or concentrate, constantly varying amounts of energy not related to amount of sleep
Risks: talking in front of people, letting anyone know my emotions
Prized Possessions: anything that anyone gave me (then), my brain and any book (now)
Problems: procrastinating, organizing things

  One of my biggest problems is my procrastination. I almost always manage to finish everything I need to do, but I do not do it efficiently or in a timely manner. Here I sit, typing this blog post 11:00 on the last night to do it. No matter how badly I want to do something early, I cannot focus on it. I would much rather focus on doing absolutely nothing and just existing than doing any kind of work that I have multiple days to do. This adds far too much stress to my life, as I have to complete tasks quickly and rushed right before I have to have them done. I have to set aside large blocks of time to do homework on certain days because I know I will have a lot to do. On the other hand, I do work most efficiently when I am in last minute panic mode. I can type a five paragraph essay in fifteen minutes if I am rushing as quickly as possible, and I can "save" a lot of time. Considering that this saved time is spent doing anything less important and that the quality of work drops off significantly, one of my goals is to procrastinate less in order to better cope with the large junior work load. Hopefully, this will help my grades and stress levels this school year.

Assignment 7- Gus Carlson

  On September 22, 1792, the French First Republic was established during the French Revolution. It lasted for twelve years until Napoleon declared the First Empire in 1804, and France is currently on its fifth republic (as a country, it has had lots of political turmoil and overthrows in the past centuries). This declaration was significant because it was the fall of a major monarchy in Europe. This made other monarchies, such as Austria, feel threatened. They sought to restore the monarchy in France and eventually started a Europe-dividing war that lasted until 1815. This started a general period of turmoil in Europe that lasted for a couple of decades. Eventually, under this republic, Napoleon came to power and sought to crush all of Europe under the might of France.
  This started the rise of nationalism, the feeling of patriotism to one's country. The French started to identify as Frenchmen. They felt that they were better than people from other countries. Europeans started truly identifying with their country of birth, and this movement spread around the globe, through European international relations and imperialism. This whole feeling mostly started on September 22, when the French Republic was officially declared.

Assignment 8 - Erin Caudill

Fears - bugs, needles, blood, being forgotten
Annoyances - people who are entitled, unreasonable expectations, skewed perceptions 
Accomplishments - being well-rounded, supportive of people no matter what
Confusions - thoughts, people, why people do the things they do
Sorrows - unable to be the best I can be
Dreams - do something worthwhile or something people will remember me for, living in California, travelling
Idiosyncrasies - clicking pens ALL THE TIME, only able to be productive in the middle of the night
Risks - confronting problems that I've been struggling with for a while, making final decisions, going outside of my comfort zone 
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then - stuffed animals (then), sense of humor and people I can trust (now)
Problems - focusing, organization, procrastination

I've always been the type of person that struggles with deciding what they want to do with their life, but I'm also known for being quite the dreamer. Most people tend to think of dreams as unachievable or even childish, but growing up I've always been aspiring to follow my dreams. Sure they've changed over the years, (When I was little I wanted to be a famous cashier? Not quite sure what that would be or how that became my dream job, but I was 5) but they always been such a huge part of my life. Dreams seem to get a bad connotation as you get older, and when you start telling relatives or adults your dreams they give you weird looks because surely you can't believe that you can do exactly what you are dreaming of doing. I've constantly dealt with people trying to knock me down by telling me that I can't do things because they just aren't realistic, but that hasn't stopped me yet. I'm not entirely sure what exactly I want to do with my life, but I do know that I want to do something that is worthwhile and something that I will be remembered for. I want to make an impact on people and I want to prove to people that no matter what people tell you, you can do anything you want to do (cheesy, I know, but I believe it 100%).

Assignment 6- Gus Carlson

1. If you could travel anywhere in the world for free for two weeks, where would you go? Why?
2. If you could meet one historical figure from all of history and ask them three questions, who would you meet? What would you ask? Why?
3. What is one sacrifice (time, money, anything) you have made in your life? Why did you do it? Would you do it again?

  In response to the first prompt, if I could travel anywhere in the world I would travel around Europe (France, United Kingdom, Scandinavia, Italy, etc.). I would want to visit many different places in Europe, so I would not stay anywhere for very long. Europe in general has a rich and detailed history that interests me greatly. It would be awesome to travel around Europe and see in person all of the historical locations and sites I have read and learned about. The region fascinates me and it would be a wonderful two weeks. I would like to travel to Europe later in my life, but it wouldn't be free and I will probably focus on a couple of locations to really focus on seeing everything. Europe does not have a ton of landmass, but it does have a lot of historical locations, all densely clustered on the continent.

Assignment 7 - Erin Caudill

President William McKinley died on September 14, 1901. This had a huge impact on America as a country due to the fact that he was commander in chief of the nation. McKinley was the third president of the United States to be assassinated, and oddly before he was assassinated he was reluctant to have security despite the fact that two presidents had been assassinated in the past. After McKinley's death, his vice president Theodore Roosevelt took over as commander in chief for the remainder of the term and ended up serving as president for two more terms. After McKinley's assassination, people began to question the effectiveness of the security for the president and led to Theodore Roosevelt being protected the the Secret Service at all times to prevent another tragedy from occurring. His death also brought about backlash towards anarchists due to the assassin being proclaimed as an anarchist.

Assignment 4- Gus Carlson

   This picture portrays Martin Luther King Jr.'s iconic "I Have a Dream" speech on August 28, 1963. The speech changed history because it motivated a people and gave purpose and support to a movement. King, through his words, changed the course of the civil rights movement in America. Less than a year after this speech was delivered, the Civil Rights Act was passed in the United States, outlawing discrimination based on race, sex, or religion. This was the hallmark goal that civil rights activists sought. This picture also shows the immense backing the movement had among the African-American and other communities. Hundreds of thousands of people marched on Washington, demanding change in the way things were done. This was truly a turning point in history.

Assignment 8 - Ethan MacGillivray

Fears: spiders, heights, getting hurt (seriously)
Annoyances: unintelligent people
Accomplishments: being liked by every parent I've met
Confusions: replying to sarcasm (or anyone I don't know well)
Sorrows: anger during sports, unhealthy eating (thanks metabolism)
Dreams: playing professional soccer
Idiosyncrasies: random noises, knowledge of soccer and FIFA
Risks: talking to girls
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then: then-stuffed dog, now-permit (soon to be license)
Problems: conversation, winning state soccer championship (lost 3 in one year)

One time during Academy Seminar freshman year, Ms. Jaquith (now Mrs. Stephens) made us fill out a survey and our results put us on a graph like an x-y graph, with quadrants. It put us into four categories, Eagle, Hawk, Dove, and Owl. With the 101 kids in the Academy at that time there were around 30 kids in the Eagle, Hawk, and Dove groups. There were only six or seven in the Owl group. I was one of them. The survey was over our personality, and the Owl was an introvert that doesn't like to talk a lot, and is usually pretty nice, but the thing I remember most about it was that it said we didn't deal with stupidity very well. Before that, I hadn't realized it, but after I read it, it perfectly described me. I thought about it and realized that almost every single one of my friends are either in the Academy or just intelligent in general. When I meet people that don't meet my standard of intelligence that I have for people, I almost always don't like them or try to be friends with them. I only have two or three that I acknowledge are not up to my standard but are still my good friends, and they are usually funny guys on my soccer team. Since then, I have been much more careful about how i deal with people that aren't as intelligent as I would like them to be, because it is not completely their fault. I try to be nice to them, but I also try to end the conversation quickly and nicely, since the longer I talk to them, the more mad and annoyed I get.

Assignment 8- Brianna Scott

Fears- bugs, the future, being alone, being disliked
Annoyances- people who do not listen, who are disrespectful
Accomplishments- making it almost 17 years
Confusions- people who make stupid decisions that aren't stupid
Sorrows- overthinking, disappointment
Dreams- to be successful, have a family
Idiosyncrasies- when I don't know how to react to a situation, unfortunately I laugh
Risks- I don't take many because I don't like them
Beloved Possessions, Now and Then- now-notes and pictures then-littlest pet shops
Problems- anxiety

Anxiety sucks. That's really the only way I can think to describe it. To me, it is just the unknown. A fear of just not knowing. I guess it could go under multiple categories. Last year I was diagnosed with a seizure disorder. There isn't any warning at all when you might have a seizure, and when you do it can be bad. If you're driving or close to a ledge or even just around people, you can be putting yourself and he people around you in danger. To me, it is kind of embarrassing. Whenever I tell someone I feel that way, they tell me I shouldn't worry about it but I always do. I guess that's the problem. It makes you question everything. It isn't that you don't trust people, its that you aren't sure. I have always wanted to know everything, but I guess everyone does.

Assignment 7 - Ethan MacGillivray

On October 1, 1908, The Model T, made by Henry Ford, was put up for sale for the first time. This was the first car for regular people, marketed as a "universal car" that was designed for the masses. This marked the end of one era and the start of a new one. This was good because it ended the era of horse-and-carriages, and propelled the US and the rest of the world into the industrial era. It was also bad because it exponentially raised the level of pollution that the world created. It also greatly increased the amount of fossil fuels we used as a country and as a race. I feel like if Ford didn't invent this, someone else would've later, but we might not be as far as we are in the development of cars. It affects me greatly because I ride in a car every single day, and one of the most important recent milestones for me and for all kids my age is getting my permit, and eventually my license to drive. I appreciate this much more than I loathe it because of how much easier life is now than it was before, all due to the invention of a car for regular people.

Assignment 7- Brianna Scott

October 3, 1863

On October 3rd of 1863, Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation designating that the last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day. Most people might not see this as extremely important, but I think it has singlehandedly effected every American. Even if you don't necessarily celebrate it, restaurants and stores are closed that day. Black Friday started because of Thanksgiving, giving people great deals on products to prepare for Christmas. Families everywhere gather and eat a ridiculous amount of food and great (for the most part) times together.

Assignment 10-Kathleen Gibbs

Dany was one of my first friends at Henry Clay High School. Freshman year we had four classes together but sophomore year, we didn't have many of the same classes so we drifted apart a little. She is a sweet girl and ever since I met her, I have had the nickname "Dani California" (the Red Hot Chili Pepper's song) for her. Dany likes to go to her church camp Burnamwood on the weekends and during the summer. I would characterize Dany as the color blue because she is a laid-back person. I see Dany graduating from UK and pursuing the career of her choice. Dany is like a dog because she is loving, loyal, and playful as is my dog. Dany has a cat who she loves, judging from here Instagram and snapchat posts. She is also very granola and owns a pair of chacos that she wears with pride.  

Assignment 6- Brianna Scott

- What are some songs that get stuck in your head? Why do you think they do?
- Are you happy with where you live? Why? If not, where would you want to go?
- When you think of happiness, where are you? What are you doing? Who are you with?

-Are you happy with where you live? Why? If not, where would you want to go?

I love Kentucky. It might be because I've never lived anywhere else, but I really do just love it here. One day it will be 92 degrees, and the next might be 52, but it's home. There's always something cool to do. Horse racing is huge. Even if you've never been to Keeneland or any of the other tracks, you've probably seen hundreds of horse farms just driving around.
As if the beautiful sunsets and "bluegrass" aren't enough, we have a rockin' basketball team. You're within like 3 hours of Cincinnati, Louisville and Nashville so you have even better places close by. There's always a concert or sporting event to go to. To be clear, I mean the one at the University of Kentucky (definitely not the other one). I guess it's just that everyone is so passionate about one thing, no matter who you are. Our football team may not be great, but we always have basketball season!

Assignment 6 - Ethan MacGillivray

Prompt 1:Should college athletes get paid? Why or why not?
Prompt 2:What do you think will happen with the hole in the middle of downtown Lexington?
Prompt 3:What do you think the UN or Us will do about Russia?

I think that college players should definitely get paid. The schools, channels, and everyone else involved all make money. It is unfair that the players are the only ones that make no money when they are the ones that make the product, making it somewhat like slavery. Obviously, players from different schools would make different amount of money. The University of Kentucky basketball team would make much more money than the Transylvania University basketball team, giving they play on national TV, with commercial breaks, plus tickets are very expensive. Also, different sports would make different amounts of money. Again, due to ticket sales and the platform they play on, Kentucky basketball would make more than Kentucky soccer, given the soccer team sells much cheaper tickets, and rarely plays on TV much less ESPN. The players should get a percentage, no matter how small, since they are the main reason money is even made. The small amount of money would help feed them and pay for their college, which is very tough on most of them.

Assignment 5 - Ethan MacGillivray

I am not a person that watches a lot of TV. I also feel like the entire United States and most of the world is moving away from TV. 90 percent of the Tv i watch is sports, including soccer from the English Premier League and Major League Soccer, as well as the Champions League and Europa League. I also watch football from college and the NFL, plus college basketball and the occasional NBA game. The only non-sport TV show I watch is called Impractical Jokers, a truTV show that is very funny. Most people in the industrialized world are moving away from cable TV and now use services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. For watching shows, they are better in almost every single way than regular TV. They don't have commercials, you can watch as many episodes or seasons in a row that you want, plus a much wider selection. I think that the prominence of awards shows like the Emmy's, Grammy's, and Oscar's vs. the overlooking of the Nobel Prizes is shameful. If actors, musicians, and other celebrities deserve the glamour of an annual awards sow like that, the people pushing the world forward deserve so much more.

Assignment 4 - Ethan MacGillivray

This picture was taken during the Pearl Harbor attack by the Japanese on a United States naval base on the islands of Hawaii. It marked the start of the United States' official involvement in World War 2. This was one of the most destructive wars in the history of the United Sates and the rest of the world. Japanese fighter jets bombed many ships that were part of the US's naval fleet. It was a traumatizing event for all of the soldiers and workers living at the Pearl Harbor base. This also prompted Congress to vote in favor of declaring war against Japan and their allies, which included Hitler's Germany. We joined the allied forces of Britain, France, and other European countries not under Communist rule. Eventually, after a long and brutal war, with millions of deaths and disgusting weapons, we ended the war. A nuclear bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and another on Nagasaki. This forced the Japanese into surrender, and to regret ever attacking Pearl Harbor.

Assignment 9 - Maddie Klumb

I do not think that any country should go to war unless it is absolutely necessary to protect their civilians, or the innocent lives of others. If these ideals were followed by every country in the world, hopefully needless war and skirmishes would be avoided. I hold the opinion that war is only appropriate when it's the lesser of two evils. I don't think a country should ever be forced or pushed into war, that is how the World Wars started. I never want to see a situation like that unfold again. There is always a way to fix problems without violence or death, war should never be the first answer.

Assignment 9- Logan Gehefer

War is a tough topic to talk about in that most people don't wish to talk about it. However my personal belief is that we must confront our issues head on and that there is indeed an appropriate time for war. War may not be morally right but I wouldn't necessarily call it a lesser of two evils. The way I see it is that the world will never completely get along due to opinion. Opinion creates conflict and the more hot headed ones act on this creating more conflict. Most people look to better themselves and when people start threatening you and your nations lives, you don't just idly sit back, you act upon it and attack. This is when war is appropriate and often it is the only means, you can send diplomats to try and resolve the issue but when that doesn't work, you attack. Countries have the responsibility to go to war when they are protecting the lives of their people. I'm not saying just go around and attack everyone who looks at you wrong, but I am saying if your peoples lives are in danger, you must fight to keep them save.

Assignment 8- Logan Gehefer

Fears- Water, my close ones dying, God, being held on life support
Annoyances- Really hot weather, really cold weather, getting woken up early, rudeness
Accomplishments- Still in school, academy, staying out of trouble
Confusions- Physics, life
Sorrows- Death, fitness
Dreams- Going to college, working on films
Idiosyncrasies- Video games, basketball, shoes
Risks- Skydiving, Climbing mountains
Beloved Possessions- My movie collection, UKMBB autographs, video games
Problems- Socialization, staying focused, organization

Confusion is a feeling I get a lot when I look towards which route to take in life (or Mrs. Gill's class). Often times I find myself wondering what I should do in a given situation and how it will affect my life. Even more often I ponder what my purpose is and what I should pursue to be as happy and successful as I possibly can. Should I do the typical do what makes you happy approach to life or should I pursue what will get me the furthest? Happiness is key but it's hard to be happy in that career if you aren't very successful and stress over what you could have had and your financial troubles. Maybe life is trying to direct me and I'm just not listening, or maybe I need to take some time to find out what I should do, maybe even ask for some guidance. I often ponder where life will take me or why I'm even here, but i guess eventually I'll find my purpose in life.