Sunday, December 4, 2016

Assignment 14- Logan Gehefer

Typically on thanksgiving my family comes over to our house so one tradition is having to clean my room and help clean the house. My mom makes sure I do my share of work before I can go out or have any fun. Once my family arrives we all eat together, my grandmothers cooking that she has been focused on for the past week at least. When thanksgiving comes her food must be perfect and everyone has to eat it all or shes disappointed in herself. We all pitch in to make the meal as good of an experience as possibly and make sure everybody gets along. Traditionally we go pass the football around in the back yard or something and I usually have a friend or two come over because my grandmother would feed anybody. Not much else goes on, I usually watch whatever football game is on that day with my uncle, afterwards I help clean up and usually go hang out with my cousins down town. Thanksgiving is usually pretty lit and a good bonding expereince.

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