Sunday, December 4, 2016

Assignment 13- Gus Carlson

                One major issue in society today is the overbearing actions of the government in the daily lives of people, especially in the matter of the law. The United States is typically hailed as a country of great freedom for its people, a land where people can make their own choices and live their own lives. The reality fails to live up to this expectation, however. All levels of government, national, state, and local, impose to much control over citizens. The fact that the government can simply fund its own police force to lock up citizens for any transgression over the law that the government decides is ridiculous and restricts the freedom of hard-working Americans. Supposedly the government represents the people, but then how does it justify imprisoning their constituents for not adhering laws they didn't agree to.

                Fortunately, a solution stands right in front of us. The removal of government from this country is an important and potentially historic step that would ensure the freedom for hundreds of millions of Americans. Without government telling them what to do and what not to, Americans would be free to live their own, free lives. If I feel the need to purchase a gun to keep myself safe, that is my right as a free individual. If I feel the need to drive 60 mph in my neighborhood, that is my right as a free individual. If I feel the need to take my neighbor's new expensive car, that is my right as a free individual. If I feel the need to kill someone who has wronged my family and rid society of this dangerous criminal, that is my right as a free individual. All government does is restrict our freedoms, and its quick removal would improve America for all citizens.

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