Sunday, December 4, 2016

Assignment 12- Gus Carlson

                Every day, I wake up in darkness. I open my eyes and look straight up, hoping today is the day. I feel the bodies of my comrades lying beside me, but nobody moves. Nobody talks. We all are just waiting for those select few moments, when the darkness slides away to reveal the bright lights with the square of color behind them. The giant fleshy mass of the giant's hand descends into our home, grabbing one of us quickly, and the darkness slides away. This is what we live for, to be chosen. Us spoons, we don't have much to do. We lie and wait. The only action inside the home is the temporary scuffles for the coveted positions on top. Those lying on top have the best chance to be chosen. Only when we are chosen, do we get to eat. The giants feed us one at a time, dipping us in the delicious liquid and licking it off us so that we may get some more. I have only been outside the home a dozen times in my four years of existence, but each was wonderful, and each time I was fed a different food. This is my life, and although it seems simple and boring, the constant waiting is exciting and keeps un entertained.

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