Sunday, December 4, 2016

Assignment 11 - Ethan MacGillivray

The thing that scares me the most is not something physical that you can touch or feel, but it's the future. Although I'd like to think that I will get into a college of my choosing that I really like, and have the best four years of my life, That is not a guarantee by all means. I could not get into my preferred school, or I could think I like the school, but once I get there, realize that it just isn't the place for me. There are so many different variables and possibilities that could play out over the next four or I've years of my life that greatly influence the rest of it. College is just scratching the surface, what really scares me is what my life will be like after college. Not to sound like a retired baby boomer, but I really do feel like the generation of kids going through school now are very underprepared for life after college, and have no idea what they want to do for a career in their adult life. I'm worried that I won't find a career that I love, get a job once I do find a career, start a family, be able to support my family, or be content with what I have done once it is all over. The future is quite a scary thing to think about as a junior in high school, much scarier than anything that I see during Halloween.

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