Thursday, December 1, 2016

Assignment 14- Ella Jensen

My family has never had strong traditions besides the ones assigned to the holiday for almost everyone. As a kid, we would watch the parade in the morning but as of late, I couldn’t be bothered to wake up early and watch it. Especially since it’s a lot of waiting around for very few interesting acts. For “dinner” we actually have a late afternoon lunch and then all go home immediately and nap. Something that middle school Ella just couldn’t wait for around this time was Black Friday, when I would save up all my allowance and go blow it on sales that weren’t actually sales. I have now realized the power of my computer and the fact that almost all the sales are also online. Thanksgiving and Christmas are slightly odd in my family since neither my father nor I are religious and my parents are divorced yet we spend all holidays together. I still look forward to this time of year more than anything else.

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