Monday, September 26, 2016

Assignment 7- Nick Joseph

On September 26, 1960, something happened that would change the nature of our nation's political arena forever.  This was the first televised presidential debate.  This is a fitting topic, seeing as the first debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is tonight at 9 o'clock.  On that day in 1960, Vice President Richard Nixon went toe to toe with Senator John Kennedy.  Now, politicians had had organized debates before, but this one revolutionized the entire process.  Not only was every word recorded and replayed, but the message got out to everyone.  If I was a politician, the scary part about this would be that nothing would ever be forgotten.  Everyone could hear every single word I have said, as many as times as they want to.  This could be a good or a bad thing, depending on what types of things were said.  By it's very nature, television (especially today) etches things into history.  It will be interesting to see whether or not our present-day candidates remember this valuable piece of information tonight.

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