Monday, September 5, 2016

Assignment 3 - Erin Caudill

I don't necessarily believe in absolute good and evil, but I do think there is an ongoing struggle of good vs. evil in our society that most people tend to ignore or overlook. Good and evil isn't as clear as most people would like to think, and it's more difficult to distinguish between the two than it is in books and movies. Sure, there are people who we can distinguish as being evil (Adolf Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, etc.) But those are easy to distinguish because they were people in the past who at one point posed no threat to society so therefore were not considered evil. How do we know now that we are not giving a blind eye to someone with the potential to do great harm to people? Of course, there are some people who would be considered evil that didn't murdered mass amounts of people. The definition of evil is so blurred these days that it is nearly impossible for everyone to agree on who is truly "evil". You could ask any person on the street in passing who they would consider evil and get a plethora of answers. The clarity of good vs. evil in movies and books is just not something that is realistic. The bad guys in works of fiction know that they are evil, and they embrace it, but this is not the case in real life. In the real world there is no definitive way of knowing good from evil and even if there was people would still not agree.

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