Saturday, September 24, 2016

Assignment 6-Kathleen Gibbs

My three prompts are:
1. What are the destinations of your dream cruise and what would you do in those places? Make them unrealistic!!
2. If you had the opportunity to create the elective of your dreams at Henry Clay, what would it be and who would you hire to teach it?
3. If you had twenty four hours in your favorite city, how would you spend it?

Answer to prompt number 1.
I am very passionate about traveling and the ancient world so the destinations of my dream cruise would include Egypt, India, and the Yucatan Peninsula. I find the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx of Giza, and the tombs of the Pharaohs intriguing and would love to see the breathtaking scene in person. However, political unrest will leave Egypt stuck on my bucket list! I am also very interested in India, I love the culture and history that is embedded in the country. Their ancient structures like the Taj Mahal and Humayan's Tomb are splendid in pictures and, I'm sure even more spectacular in person. Finally, I would love to visit the Yucatan Peninsula, between the amazing beaches mixed (literally, some of the ruins are on the beaches!) with the ancient ruins, this is a dream location for me. I love the history that has been cemented into these dream vacation spots, if I were able to take a trip to even one of these places, I could immerse myself in culture, history, and beauty.

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