Sunday, September 25, 2016

Assignment 6- Ella Jensen

1.) What have your biggest failures been? Why was this your biggest? And how did you over come it?
2.) What fictional world would you most want to live in? What made you chose this situation?
3.) Write a conspiracy theory about Henry Clay HS? Who was involved?

2.) I would like to live in the world of the The Eyre Affair. This novel is about getting literally lost in books, being able to switch from novel to novel. The main character, Thursday Next, solves crimes within the books including the new serial killer of characters, including Jane Eyre. I would like to live in this plot not as much as to participate in the thrilling detective work but just to be a part of the books that I have previously read. For example, to be able to go to a Gatsby party or hang out with Arthur Dent and his aliens would be out of this world*. Which I just now realize my prompt asked to pick a fictional world and I chose one where you can chose to live in any work of literature, but I have written 150 words so I'm not going back.

*Intentional pun

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