Monday, September 12, 2016

Assignment 5- Elizabeth Salamanca

Although I would love to critique society by emphasizing the backwardness of the situation, I can't say that I would rather watch the Nobel Prizes being awarded than the Emmy Awards. Prominent celebrities become household names, while groundbreaking physicists rarely make the headlines. The award winning scholars explore the world around them, provide us with shocking knowledge, and make strides in society. Television actors provide us with entertainment, whether it be avant garde or jaded. Few could argue the benefits of paying more attention to the tabloids than to the scholars. I can't imagine these fundamentals of society changing anytime soon, though. Even if the abnormality of it seems apparent when pointed out. I also can't quite say this is a bad thing, because I won't be changing my ways anytime soon, and I don't want to be a hypocrite. I think this thing couldn't be called good or bad, it is simply a fact of human nature: entertainment wins over intellect.

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