Sunday, September 25, 2016

Assignment 6-Elizabeth Ueland

1  Is a hot dog a sandwich? Explain.
If you could have lunch with anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and why?

    If you could travel anywhere around the world where would it be? Explain.  
k    If I could have lunch with anyone in the world I would have lunch with Tyler the Creator. I wouldn't choose Shakespeare or Einstein because although it would be interesting and intellectually stimulating to hold a conversation with those masterminds, Tyler the Creator is a much cooler dude. He is, as the kids would say, dank af. I would rather eat lunch with Tyler the Creator because we wouldn't just have an ordinary lunch, no. We would probably be eating croissants on a pirate ship where our servers are dressed in full knight armor and speaking strictly Chinese. Anything completely random.  Nonetheless, Tyler the Creator is a weird dude. The conversations would be anything but dull and we would exchange songs. He would tell me about his music career and I would tell him about my peculiar taste in music. The lunch would be lively, exiting, fun, and very very weird. After the lunch we would indefinitely be close friends and he would take me to his concerts and such. 

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