Monday, September 26, 2016

Assignment 7- Nick Joseph

On September 26, 1960, something happened that would change the nature of our nation's political arena forever.  This was the first televised presidential debate.  This is a fitting topic, seeing as the first debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is tonight at 9 o'clock.  On that day in 1960, Vice President Richard Nixon went toe to toe with Senator John Kennedy.  Now, politicians had had organized debates before, but this one revolutionized the entire process.  Not only was every word recorded and replayed, but the message got out to everyone.  If I was a politician, the scary part about this would be that nothing would ever be forgotten.  Everyone could hear every single word I have said, as many as times as they want to.  This could be a good or a bad thing, depending on what types of things were said.  By it's very nature, television (especially today) etches things into history.  It will be interesting to see whether or not our present-day candidates remember this valuable piece of information tonight.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Assignment 6-Elizabeth Ueland

1  Is a hot dog a sandwich? Explain.
If you could have lunch with anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and why?

    If you could travel anywhere around the world where would it be? Explain.  
k    If I could have lunch with anyone in the world I would have lunch with Tyler the Creator. I wouldn't choose Shakespeare or Einstein because although it would be interesting and intellectually stimulating to hold a conversation with those masterminds, Tyler the Creator is a much cooler dude. He is, as the kids would say, dank af. I would rather eat lunch with Tyler the Creator because we wouldn't just have an ordinary lunch, no. We would probably be eating croissants on a pirate ship where our servers are dressed in full knight armor and speaking strictly Chinese. Anything completely random.  Nonetheless, Tyler the Creator is a weird dude. The conversations would be anything but dull and we would exchange songs. He would tell me about his music career and I would tell him about my peculiar taste in music. The lunch would be lively, exiting, fun, and very very weird. After the lunch we would indefinitely be close friends and he would take me to his concerts and such. 

Assignment 5-Elizabeth Ueland

Entertainment has drastically changed overtime throughout different cultures and countries. Thanfully, we currently watch movies like Gladiator instead of using gladiators as our source of entertainment. In perspective, entertainment has improved throughout time as far as being humane. Television shows and movies allow people to escape their lives and become captivated in a different world and invoke feelings or experiences they wouldn’t normally encounter. This escape from reality can be beneficial to the individual if they want to wind down or relax. On the other hand, today people are becoming over absorbed in television shows and distracted from reality or things of real importance. Do I want to listen to girls obsess over the next bachelor or talk about how much they loathe Chad or how she should have picked James? Absolutely not. Television shows are feeding people with lies and staged footage and people are eating it up. Not to look over the fact that there are a handful television shows that are entertaining and educational or not entirely toxic. A fine dosage of National Geographic or the Discovery Channel can be quite fascinating for an individual. But people are paying more attention to what car Kim Kardashian is buying next than say what is happening in Iraq. Overall, television is not going to be the downfall of our society, but attention should be shifted to things of greater importance. And the Bachelorette should be terminated. As soon as possible.

Assignment 6- Ella Jensen

1.) What have your biggest failures been? Why was this your biggest? And how did you over come it?
2.) What fictional world would you most want to live in? What made you chose this situation?
3.) Write a conspiracy theory about Henry Clay HS? Who was involved?

2.) I would like to live in the world of the The Eyre Affair. This novel is about getting literally lost in books, being able to switch from novel to novel. The main character, Thursday Next, solves crimes within the books including the new serial killer of characters, including Jane Eyre. I would like to live in this plot not as much as to participate in the thrilling detective work but just to be a part of the books that I have previously read. For example, to be able to go to a Gatsby party or hang out with Arthur Dent and his aliens would be out of this world*. Which I just now realize my prompt asked to pick a fictional world and I chose one where you can chose to live in any work of literature, but I have written 150 words so I'm not going back.

*Intentional pun

Assignment 6 - Joseph Cook

If you could have one sense that you don't now, what would you have, why? Describe what the sense would allow you to do, and how your brain would register it.

What is your ideal meal. you can have any food, and anybody from any time period there. why?

You are going on a trip to mars as the first human on mars. With the weight restrictions, you con only bring around 20 lbs of personal items, but they can be anything at all. what would you bring and why?

If I could have one sense that I don't have now, I would really like to be able to sense how somebody is feeling. It is said that wild animals can smell fear, I would like to be able to smell emotion in general. Happiness would smell like a warm summer breeze, sorrow like wet leaves after a storm. Excitement would smell lice fresh snow, love like freshly baked cookies. Fear could smell like a damp cave, while confidence would smell like a crisp fall day. Anger would smell like the ozone smell when something electronic is working too hard. Boredom would smell musty, like cloth left damp too long. This power would allow me to gauge how others are feeling around me so that I could correctly respond and talk to them based off of that information.

Assignment 6 - Maddie Klumb

Why is the college application process so difficult?
Do you feel as if high school has adequately prepared you for college?
What do you feel are the strengths and weaknesses of the school system?

Do you feel as if high school has adequately prepared you for college?:
Partly. High school has forced me to learn to manage my time efficiently, and to be productive. Through high school, I have learned that I enjoy math and science classes much better than history or language classes. And counselors like Mrs. Stephens have done their best to prepare me for the college application process. However, I am still living with, and being supported by, my parents. Nothing can prepare me to live on my own and be completely responsible for myself. Also, I will probably have to relearn how to manage my time because college classes don't happen at the same time everyday like high school courses. High school has taught me many valuable lessons, but there is no way for it to completely prepare me for college.

Assignment 7: On This Date

September 12th through October 11th. Those are the dates for your blog entry this week.

Pick one of the dates from the past four weeks and look up historical events happened on that date. Choose the event of your liking and answer the following:

What happened? Was this good or bad?
What influence did this have on the world? A nation? A city? Your existence?
Do you appreciate this event? Do you loathe it?

Continue to editorialize as you see fit.

Due Sunday, October 2nd at 11:59 pm

October 16th is the last day to make up blogs 1-8

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Assignment 6-Kathleen Gibbs

My three prompts are:
1. What are the destinations of your dream cruise and what would you do in those places? Make them unrealistic!!
2. If you had the opportunity to create the elective of your dreams at Henry Clay, what would it be and who would you hire to teach it?
3. If you had twenty four hours in your favorite city, how would you spend it?

Answer to prompt number 1.
I am very passionate about traveling and the ancient world so the destinations of my dream cruise would include Egypt, India, and the Yucatan Peninsula. I find the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx of Giza, and the tombs of the Pharaohs intriguing and would love to see the breathtaking scene in person. However, political unrest will leave Egypt stuck on my bucket list! I am also very interested in India, I love the culture and history that is embedded in the country. Their ancient structures like the Taj Mahal and Humayan's Tomb are splendid in pictures and, I'm sure even more spectacular in person. Finally, I would love to visit the Yucatan Peninsula, between the amazing beaches mixed (literally, some of the ruins are on the beaches!) with the ancient ruins, this is a dream location for me. I love the history that has been cemented into these dream vacation spots, if I were able to take a trip to even one of these places, I could immerse myself in culture, history, and beauty.

Assignment 6- Emma Tucker

1. If you could live anywhere in the world, other than America, where would you choose? Why? How do you imagine your life there? Do you think you would be happier?
2. What is your bucketlist vacation? Where would you go? What would you do? Who would you take?
3. If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would you pick? How do you think your day would be?

What is your bucketlist vacation? Where would you go? What would you do? Who would you take?
     I have an extensive bucket list. I add places and experiences almost daily. I dream of spending many of my future years exploring the world, and seeing places I can only imagine. The place at the top of my list currently is Iceland. I read packing list and travel guides explaining the ins and outs of Iceland constantly. I think taking a few friends and going on an Icelandic road trip would be a magnificent adventure. The landscape is unlike anything else, and the opportunity for thrilling activities is endless. There is black sand beaches and crystal caves. And if you go at the right time you can see the Northern Lights. The weather brings the need to layer warm clothing on, but the geothermal hot springs are the perfect opportunity to throw on a bathing suit. The hotels are cozy and hospitable, and the country boast of unique food to try. Iceland is unlike anything else, and the first opportunity I get, I will definitely be on a flight to Iceland.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Assignment 5- Brianna Scott

I would probably say that I love watching TV shows. I normally don't watch any on actual television, because no one actually has time for that. I binge watch shows on Netflix on my own time. My all-time favorite TV show is The Office (U.S.). The thing that I like most about it is that no matter how many times I may go back and watch an episode, it never gets old and the jokes are always still funny- to me at least. I've watched all of the "basic" shows, like One Tree Hill, Friends, Grey's Anatomy, Gilmore Girls and dozens more. I really enjoy binge watching over actual TV because I never have to wait to see what will happen next. Some may think it's not as exciting, but I don't really care.
I think that TV is a great form of entertainment, in intervals. It's probably not very healthy to sit and continuously watch three seasons of The Office, not saying I haven't done it. It's a great contributor to procrastination. A lot of people probably think that television in general is insane, but if you have the free time and you enjoy what you want to watch, I say go for it.
The way society interprets things is beyond any single person's control. The glitz of The Emmy's grabs the attention of a good number of the population, so why wouldn't it be shown on television? It is a shame that the Nobel Peace Prizes are quietly announced in the news, but it's all about what the people want. Unfortunately to some, the glitz and glamour win most of the time.

Assignment 4- Brianna Scott

During the celebration of the victory of World War II, a TIME magazine photographer captured this moment between a nurse and a sailor. I think that it does a great job translating the mood of this moment in time. Though none of us were there first hand, the image of two happy people kissing is the literal imagery of happiness and celebration. Outside of the center of the image, people are also just smiling ear to ear. Some are looking at the couple, and you can see the joy in their faces. I think that this image just screams joy, and couldn't be a better representation of what people were feeling on that day. Japan had surrendered, and the war was over.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Assignment 6- Nick Joseph

Three original prompts of interest to me are:
1. What are your favorite sports to play and watch? Which teams do you follow?
2. What would your perfect weekend consist of?
3. If you had the option of knowing when you would die, would you want to know?

For this entry, I will respond to the first prompt.  Since a young age, sports have played a major role in my life.  I have always enjoyed playing sports, as it is a fun and healthy way to spend time with friends and be outside. In the past, I have played baseball, basketball, and football.  I also ran cross country for a year.  I particularly enjoyed baseball, because this is a sport that I grew up around.  I also enjoyed basketball, particularly because each year my team was a group of my close friends and we knew many of the other teams in the league.  As I have gotten older, it has been harder to find time for organized sports- work and school have taken precedence.  Even still, I find ways to be around sports.  I golf frequently with friends and family.  In the past, I have worked as a little league baseball umpire.  Currently, I work at a country club in the golf department.  I love going to athletic events, as well as watching them on TV.  I follow UK basketball and football, the Cincinnati Reds, and the Dallas Cowboys.  Sports have taught me how to lose graciously and win humbly.  Without organized sports, there are many lessons that I may never have learned. 

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Assignment 5- Gus Carlson

                Presentation. Presentation is everything when trying to captivate a person. People are captivated by things that interest them, that excite them. In our world today, television does this. It captivates us because it is interesting, and we watch it because it keeps us entertained for a short period of time. We would much rather watch people kill each other to become king in Emmy-winning Game of Thrones than read Angus Deaton's analysis of consumption and welfare in his Nobel-winning writings. Thus, our society embraces the Emmys and television, and those that don't keep up are often "out of the loop." I am like most other people and enjoy watching television and I don't see it as an inane pastime. It can be very enjoyable, but our society as a whole has become a little too much obsessed with it. Our society has come to a place where we very much value entertainment over education, and thus we value the Emmys over the Nobel prizes.

Assignment 5 - Haley Drake

   At the very root of creativity is a problem to be solved. The artist sits at their desk with an image of their problem and an idea of the solution. Here, the Emmy winner and the Nobel Prize winner interconnect. The future Emmy winner brainstorms hoping to solve their problem, and they use the culture of entertainment as a means to get their message across. Meanwhile the future Nobel Peace Prize winner brainstorms hoping to solve their problem, but they don't use entertainment as such a kind of pretty packaging to wrap their message in and send to the people.

   The reason we sit down in front of our glowing TV screens isn't - or at least usually isn't- for the enveloped message, it's for the pretty packaging. Our favorite TV series snatch our attention with intriguing story lines and quirky characters. That's what we remember about it when we watch the credits scroll after the final episode. And yes, that message the writer toiled at incorporating for so long? It's there somewhere. Some kind of theme or moral was surely absorbed from their contribution.

   Essentially, you could say that all art, including TV is just another way of getting a message out to the world. However, one thing does come out of the glitz and glamour that is the entertainment industry: the art. Writers, producers, actors, directors, editors, stylists, musicians and more all got together to tell a story. Sure, the future Emmy winner may have started at the same desk as the future Nobel Prize Winner, but the entertainer ended with a piece of art that made us laugh, cry, and love. In a way, maybe it's completely appropriate that we celebrate entertainers more than the academic world changers. Maybe our culture is less about the message, and more about how that message is delivered.

Assignment 3 Dylan Spradlin

The topic of good vs. evil, and right vs. wrong has been debated for years with no real answer. What some believe is "good" may be considered evil based on preconceived ideas and experiences. Absolute good and evil, as represented in literature, is hard to define because it doesn't appear often in our society today.
For example, in the popular series The Hunger Games, where Katniss and the citizens of society are "good" and must unite to defy against The Capitol, which is depicted as "evil" and seen to all as an oppressive government structure. This is a popular, reoccurring theme in literature in which a protagonist must conquer and overcome the antagonist which is seen as a threat to society.
In society there are set rules in which we are taught and obligated to obey, and if we break them it is "wrong". Good implies qualities like "nice, peaceful, joyful, honest" whereas evil implies "unfair, mean, harsh, dark". These are often supported in literature to show character development but also apply to human values.
However, what people see as good and evil can often be totally different. Communities everywhere are raised to believe distinct ideas based upon their culture so what some see as "evil" others think are the norm. This "gray area" exists as a buffer to change laws in which people deem unconstitutional or unjust, because without acts of "evil" we couldn't have any social organization.
The definition of good and evil are only learned through experience, and we often believe that good will ultimately outweigh bad. For example, during troubling times such as family deaths or natural disasters we rely on good things to overcome and take their place. Although there is no true way to end all evil things is this world, the characteristics of them are what shape ones character.

Assignment 5- Ella Jensen

Television is one of my favourite past times; it allows me to relax and forget my own anxieties. Though I do really enjoy it, I know that almost all research is conclusive that it is terrible for your physical and mental health. In an article by the Huffington Post, they outline symptoms of excessive tv watching and the results are more scary than the horror movie you’re watching. By sitting around watching fast food advertisements, waistlines slowly start grow, and binge watching increases risk for diabetes (Harvard School of Public Health). Not only does excessive screen time hurt your physical well being, but all social relationships too. It promotes isolating behaviours that destroy relationships, especially for the younger generations who are still maturing. All of this should be taken with a grain of salt, because you must watch excessive amounts of television for these effects to have any merit. These studies wont prevent from me binging on Netflix or watching an episode after finishing my homework but in this new day and age, we must keep in mind the repercussions.

assignment 5 - Joseph Cook

I do not watch TV very much. This isn't because I don't want to, it's mostly because of schoolwork. When I do watch TV, it is either SpongeBob Squarepants, (the best show ever) or whatever seems good. TV does provide good entertainment. It may be the ultimate form of entertainment (aside from Minecraft, of course). The ability to vicariously experience without exertion is the ultimate in human comfort. It is reward without effort. In essence, the glowing box of electricity is what makes the world go round. Even if it isn't a TV, it still is our only way of communication, outside of talking and, heaven forbid, mail. Without it we might as well be Neanderthals, eating grubs out of trees.

Assignment 5 - Benjamin Givens

I do not personally watch any TV, though I watch Youtube and Twitch, which essentially are the same type of entertainment, just geared towards the content that I enjoy. I don't watch any cable TV/Netflix shows since they aren't really about the subject I enjoy watching: gaming. I follow a wide variety of gamers on Twitch and YouTube ranging from game programmers and analysts to entertaining personalities and professional Esports players. This type of entertainment is entertaining in my view and have no problems with it.
I don't believe that watching videos is an inane use of time, as enjoying life is what life is all about. There is not particular reason to do anything unless it is to bring you closer to doing things that make you happy. Of course, there is long term happiness to think about and you shouldn't shirk responsibilities that will lead to problems later to watch videos, but it is a perfectly fine use of time otherwise. From this take on entertainment, it really doesn't matter whether or not it is just an excuse to advertise to people. If it doesn't have an effect on your enjoyment of the product, then it doesn't diminish the form as a whole. When I want to relax and just do something fun that doesn't take a whole lot effort, then I will watch a video on YouTube or check my follower's list on twitch to see who is live.

Assignment 5- Maddie Klumb

Television has become and integral part of our society; it can bring families together, even from across the country. However, along with all the good there is bad - television has become a major distraction in our society. Instead of talking to each other about important, or even small, events in our lives we often talk at each other about the made up scenarios we watched the night before.

I am not saying television is a bad form of entertainment, just that it has drawbacks. It is an excellent platform for spreading news, educating young children, and providing entertainment. Commercials allow the plot of a show or movie to be broken into segments, and advertisers to pitch their products. Shows like Sesame Street help children learn things like numbers, morals, and letters. And news can now be broadcast across the country from around the world. We are able to have an idea of what is happening in other countries within our own homes. Also, in cases of severe whether, or other emergencies, the news is important to have quick access to.

I personally don't watch much TV because I have little time to do so. Most of the time I am either doing homework or an activity outside my home. When I do watch programs most of them are on Netflix. This allows me to watch what I want when I want without the interruption of commercials. Right now I am watching The Office and Big Bang Theory and love them both.

Our society idolizes those we view as successes, but often the definition of success is narrow. Success for one person may be defined differently than success for another.  The most common definition of success in society is to gain wealth and recognition for your achievements. The people who walk the red carpet are well known and followed due to the recognition they have created for themselves through movies, TV shows and other media. People who win Pulitzer prizes are often very important and recognized in their field, but not often by society as a whole. Unless the cure to cancer is found, you probably won't hear about any scientific researcher's breakthrough.

People who win Pulitzer Prizes often do more to change our society than those we see walk the red carpet. But the celebrities are more widely recognized and adored. This says many things about society, like what we consider as important and inspirational. But who am I to say whether this is good or bad? I think that needs to be determined by each of us in our own way.

Assignment 6:Create Your Own Adventure

What interests you? What is your point of exigence? What's on your mind?  What do you want to chat about? Rant about? Learn about?

'Cause really, isn't it all about you? <wink wink nudge nudge>

This week, create three writing prompts that you find most intriguing. Then, choose one prompt and respond to it.

Please don't make the other prompts "dummy" prompts - I'll be revisiting these options later next semester.


Due Sunday, September 25th at 11:59 pm

October 16th is the last day to make up blogs 1-8

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Assignment 5- Kathleen Gibbs

As a child, my mom limited the amount of time we watched TV to about 30 minutes or less every day. We didn't have a rule like "1 hour of TV time a day" but we were told to play with our toys or outside if we were bored. We certainly never turned the TV on without asking permission first. Still to this day, I watch very little TV and what I do is monitored by my parents. I steer clear of risque programs and try to watch shows that have a positive message and content.

Usually, I only watch TV on the weekends with my family. We will come home from a long day of playing golf, sit down with some Puccini's pizza, and either watch golf or Madam Secretary, our favorite show. We started watching Madam Secretary last year when the first season came to Netflix and have been engrossed in show ever since. It has the perfect amount of suspense and comedy without risque scenes. We watch TV to wind down after a day on the links while still spending time together.

Assignement 5- Emma Tucker

In America today, over 95% of households own a tv set. The television has become almost a necessity in todays world. The majority of people would probably say they see at least a little bit of tv everyday. Our homes, schools, and offices all have tvs and they are almost always on. However, the constant use of television has become quite controversial. You can talk to any mother of a baby or toddler and they will brag about how the are trying to not let their kid watch any television because of the research done proving that tv isnt the best thing for a childs development. But in a few years, or even months, the majority of those children will be able to tell you every small detail about their favorite brightly colored, singing, animated character who is constantly streaming across at least one television in their home.
      Despite their valant efforts, most parents succumb to the tv as a source of entertainment when they are deperate for a little quiet time. And thus, their children become addicted to television just like everyone else. Why is this though? Television for children is an easy etertainment source that requires little to no effort from their parents. It gives overly active kids a distraction and sometimes even convinces them to sit still for a couple moments. And it gives teens and adults the same relief. After a busy day at school or work, television lets us become immeresed in a different world for a hour of our day. Instead of focusing on our own stresses we focus on the trials of our favorite characters.
     Our favorite tv shows also allow us to relate to each other. In a world where it seems like we are constantly fighting with poeple of different beliefs than us, tv can unite us. People with completely different political or religious views come together and mourn when a fan favorite character is killed off a popular show. We celebrate when a long awaitted couple finally has a magically tv wedding, and we reminisence on classic shows after they have been off air for years. TV is something that has the power to connect people across the country and the world.
     TV might be an aimless use of brain power, but that might just be the beauty of it. It distracts us from the woes of the world and gives us a mental.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Assignment 5 - Claire Thompson

Before television, my grandma tells me, everyone huddled around a radio to listen to radio shows in the evening, instead of TVs like we do today. I know this already, but she tells me about how her family did this when she was young. When I was growing up, and iPods were really new, my dad bought one and put literally hundreds of hours of old radio show recordings onto it. Every morning, when he drove me to school, we listened to one. In many ways, this was a parallel, 60 years later, to my grandmother’s childhood.
All I can say is that not much has changed. Television can be a great force of good, and a great force of bad. When I say this, Fiona Apple’s 1997 VMA acceptance speech when she won the award for Best New Artist comes to mind. For me, what she said in that speech puts into simple words how TV—and the culture that is created around it—can be harmful. And yet, Fiona Apple gives this speech in order to make a televised opportunity to say something useful, meaningful, and even a little bit shocking. Watch it for yourself, it really is something special:

Monday, September 12, 2016

Assignment 4-Elizabeth Ueland

August 14, 1945 is a day that will not be forgotten by all Americans. The final defeat of the Japanese and the ultimate end of World War II marked a new beginning for citizens in America. The picture, known as The Kiss, is an infamous representation of the joy and relief that enveloped people all over America at the time. It symbolized the close of one of the most brutal wars in the world and showed that people shouldn’t forget about the 64 million perished souls, but remember the fight and move on. The picture gave American people hope. Hope that people could carry on with their lives and not be fixed in the horrors of World War II. Overall, it signifies that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and that good things will always come even in the midst of utter disaster.