Sunday, May 14, 2017

Assignment 26 - Claire Thompson

I feel like a lot of people are going to say that they hated the Socratic Seminars, and I will admit that while I didn't hate them I found myself a little bit frustrated because I didn't see how they were helpful. That is, until we took the AP exam. It's funny because I thought that the Socratic Seminars weren't really worth much for the class, but I did enjoy reading all of the pieces we read and then hearing what my classmates had to say about it. But then when I was taking the AP exam, I don't remember the exact moment, but when I was writing the essays something suddenly clicked in my brain and I feel like I used a lot of the on-your-toes thinking that we used in the Socratic Seminars to keep up the conversation. So I just wanted to say that the Socratic Seminars were actually interesting and eventually helpful.
Also I liked writing essays and having the full class grading. I'll admit that it did make me absolutely panic to have to hear my essay read out loud but the bottom line of that is that it was very helpful. (Also, I just wanted to say that I Hated the small group grading. But it was very helpful for the full class grading that we talked with the people around us briefly before sharing our thoughts with the whole class. And I often found it better to read silently because then I could actually pay attention to the essay instead of being lulled to sleep during an especially long essay to the sound of someone's monotonous reading.)

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