Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Assignment 24 - Dylan Spradlin

Time flies.
As junior year comes to an abrupt ending, I have to say it seems like this past year has felt much shorter, and was accompanied by both success and failure. To be honest, I don't remember what I had for dinner yesterday, yet alone what happened my first day of junior year. Let's begin with the good news, to start I made lots of new friends this year throughout my various new classes and activities. Also I learned the importance of organization and planning this year, as it may be imperative to staying afloat in school work, sports and your social life. However, junior year came with its drawbacks as well. One major issue, being most important, was the drastic loss of sleep from sophomore year to now. Piled in school work and other activities, I cherished those nights when I would get more than four hours of sleep. Taking risks, such as joining new clubs turned out to be beneficial in expanding my interests (as I don't know exactly what I want to do or study). In the summer, I hope to regain all of the lost sleep, spend time with family and friends and hopefully travel. As senior year quickly approaches, I hope to maintain good grades, keep close friends and also narrow down my college choices. To achieve these goals, I will work hard and fight off Senioritis, as much as it will persist.

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