Sunday, March 26, 2017

Assignment 22 - Ethan MacGillivray

If I could be any fictional character, I would 100% be Sherlock Holmes. Even though people endlessly debate whether or not he was a real person or not, i think he qualifies as a fictional character. Instead of being a superhero or a fantasy character like Harry Potter or Bilbo Baggins, who are always in some sort of dangerous or complicated situation, I would live a simple life. I would live a quiet life in England, while helping to solve mysteries with the police. I enjoy mysteries a lot, and it would give my mind a good workout. i would also try to live under the radar of criminals, like the old Sherlock Holmes, not like the one in the TV show "Sherlock", who is targeted by criminals, and has to deal with dangerous situations, much like the superheroes and fantasy characters. My days would consist of tea, sleep, chatting with friends, eating, and solving the occasional crime that baffles the police.

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