Friday, March 24, 2017

Assignment 20- Ella Jensen

A good skill that I have developed through constant stress and pressure is the ability to handle procrastination or rather avoid it.
How to not procrastinate:
1)   Set priorities within your classes. You can do such just by measuring grades, whether one class needs more attention earlier because they grade needs to rise or putting something on the back burner because it’s not worth as many points. You can also organize based on assignments alone; if one assignment takes longer, you know you should start earlier.
2)   Create to-do lists. Personally I create to-do lists that are more than I can probably do but it keeps me on task and focused because I know the scope of what I need to do.

3)   Start really early. For example with unit assignments, if you start the day after the test you only have to do like 2 key terms a day and that takes less than 10 minutes.

This is ironic bc these blog posts are due Sunday :)) 

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