Sunday, March 26, 2017

Assignment 22 - Erin Caudill

If I could be any fictional character from any type of media, I'd probably be Pascal from Tangled. I mean, sure, the obvious choice would be to go for Rapunzel (I really do love Rapunzel), but the main character always gets into some sort of trouble and I'm not about that life. Pascal is a chill little guy, and he's a chameleon. Chameleons are pretty cool and I think it'd be awesome to just blend into whatever I wanted. There's a person I don't like coming this way? Not a problem. I have a test 3rd hour? Meh. I'll just pretend like I'm not here. Besides, Pascal has a nice life especially since he now lives in a castle. No responsibilities and no worries. The only thing I'd be bothered with is how small I'd be, but hey people already say I'm tiny so it wouldn't be much different than my life now.

Assignment 21 - Erin Caudill

At this very moment, somewhere in the universe someone is sitting on their floor. Yes, this person may or may not be me, but I feel the need to defend this person nevertheless. The floor is quite a comfortable place to sit and I never understood why people question people who sit on the floor. Yes, I'm fine on the floor. No, I don't need a chair. No, really, I'm fine. Yes, I'm annoyed now because you keep asking me stupid questions. I, personally, very rarely actually sit in chairs. I'm typing this while sitting on the floor. When I get home from school I go up to my room and sit on the floor. I've fallen asleep on the floor many times in my life (although that could be blamed on exhaustion and not the fact that the floor is actually comfortable enough to sleep on). The floor is pretty dandy, and I feel bad for anyone who has neglected to sit on the floor, just for the heck of it, in their lifetime.

Assignment 22 - Claire Thompson

If I could be any fictional character, I would be the legendary Baba Yaga (Баба яга) who is by FAR the best character from Russian folklore. She's a witch that lives in the woods, has a house that has very large chicken legs (so it's a mobile home--practical for a witch like herself), and can like grow and shrink her limbs and nose at will (although she is sometimes known to have problems with her nose getting too big, but it's cool). But she's not just a villain because she can still help people she likes. And she can fly too, but it's unclear how exactly she does it because sometimes she's describe as just flying??? but she doesn't use a broom like a typical witch, normally she flies around in like a mortar or something. But her role in Russian folklore is largely ambiguous, because she is either a villain or she can just be a passing aid to the hero, so she's multifaceted; she's not just a predictable evil witch. She's probably the most mysterious and enigmatic and weirdly endearing folklore character I can think of. Of all of the evil hags to ever live (all of which are near and dear to my heart), she is so far above all of them. She's the best.

Or I'd be the Eraserhead baby.

Assignment 21 - Claire Thompson

At this very moment, somewhere in the universe there is every person I've ever met, every stranger I've ever walked by, everyone I will never know, and ever person I've never met but will meet one day. Dead or alive, they're all out there somewhere. It's wild to imagine that every single person exists completely independent of me, of you, of everyone you know or ever will know, and everyone you will never know or see or come in contact with. There are hundreds and hundreds of people that you pass by every single day that you will never meet and you will never see again, but they still exist out there somewhere. And not just people, but animals and plants. There's supposedly far more insects in just about any square mile of land than there are people in the world. At that rate, there's probably more insects alive on the planet right now than people there have ever been in the past few thousand years. I mean right in your backyard, there might be an ant hill that has more loving creatures in it than the amount of people you will ever even know. That's wild. And that's all happening right now. And it will be happening tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that and so on and so forth.

Assignment 20 - Claire Thompson

How to make a Pom-Pom

What you'll need: yarn (of any color), cardboard, scissors

1. If you've never made a pom-pom before, the easiest way to start is by using a homemade "pom-pom maker." To do this, cut out two doughnut-shaped pieces of cardboard of the same size (the size of the doughnut will be slightly larger than the finished pom-pom, keep this in mind when you cut out the cardboard). Cut a small wedge out of each doughnut. The final shape will be something like a "C" shape.
2. Choose your yarn: a regular, inexpensive acrylic yarn in a bright color is probably preferable.
3. Wrap the yarn around the ring of the two pieces of the cardboard that make up the pom-pom maker. Continue this, back and forth, until you have achieved a thick layer of yarn around the cardboard doughnut. I prefer to wrap it until the hole in the center is almost gone. But you can experiment with different thicknesses to see what you like best.
4. Once you're done wrapping the pom-pom maker, cut the yarn down the center, using the space between the two pieces of cardboard as a guide. Do NOT take any of the bits of yarn out of the pom-pom maker.
5. Wrap another piece of yarn around your pom-pom, again using the space between the pieces of cardboard as a guide. Leave this piece of yarn long, so that you have two long tails that are easily accessible.
6. Tightly tie this piece of yarn. This will be what keeps the pom-pom together so it is crucial that it is secure. I have also heard that using sewing thread can work really well to hold pom-poms together, but I like the consistency of using a piece of yarn to create the center.
7. Now, take the pom-pom out of the pom-pom maker and fluff it out.
8. The pom-pom will probably look pretty shaggy, so you can give it haircut. Don't be afraid to cut off a liberal length of the yarn so that it is all of uniform length. It will take some practice to get this step just how you like it, but don't be afraid to be bold in your trimming. Be careful to NOT cut off the long tails of the piece that is holding the pom-pom together. (Pro-tip: you can make a really large pom-pom so that you can cut it very short, and it will be a tight, uniform pom-pom of a smaller desired size. The more you can cut off a pom-pom, the less floppy it will be.)
9. You're finished! You can do all kinds of fun things with pom-poms. I like to put them on bags and stuff like that using those long tails you didn't cut off to tie them onto things. You can also string together a bunch of pom-poms and have a garland. You can fashion them into a rug or a throw blanket if you get really complex with pom-pom construction. I've seen tiny ones fashioned into jewelry like earrings or strung on necklaces. What makes pom-poms really fun is learning how to wrap them so that they have patterns or shapes in them. I like to make ones that have flower designs in them. I've seen some that look like dogs or beach balls--I've even seen some that look like matryoshka dolls (which reminds me: you can also cut pom-poms into different shapes when you give them their haircuts--I've made some that are cubes or egg shaped. In the case of the matryoshka doll, you would cut it into a matryoshka doll shape.) There's all kinds of things you can do, so you can really get creative with it!

Assignment 20 - Erin Caudill

So I'm really horrible at a number of things, and one of those things is tying my shoes like a normal person. Once upon time, I was in second grade and still couldn't figure out how to tie my darn shoes. No, my friends, I never did quite learn how to tie my shoes like everyone else, but instead I tie my shoes in - what I think is, at least - the most sensible way. Of course, this leads to many "Erin, why do you tie your shoes so weird?" and "Here, let ME teach you" comments when my peers see how I tie my shoes, but I refuse to accept help. We're not doing any of that bunny nonsense, we're gonna learn how to tie shoes the Erin way.

First off, you literally just need a shoe. Put said shoe on your foot. Now, start tying your shoe like you normally would, but once you get to making the "bunny ear" make two. Two? Yes, two. Then just tie those two together and voila, you've successfully tied your shoe like me. "Is that really how you tie your shoes?" Every single day of my life, yes. "Do you really not know how to tie your shoes any other way?" Yup, and I refuse to change my ways now.

Assignment 22- Reagan Smith

Out of all the movies and TV shows I have watched, I would want to be Marlin from Finding Nemo and Finding Dory. Marlin is a good guy, friend, and most importantly, a great father. Throughout both journeys, he stays cool, calm, and collected, and especially determined. He gets the opportunity to travel through nearly the entire ocean- meeting many friends along the way- sharks, turtles, and jellyfish. Although he wasn’t expecting to experience all of these new faces, the amount of biodiversity present in the sea life is amazing. As a fish, who wouldn’t experience the vibrant colors from Sea to Shining Sea? In my opinion, only a very boring fish wouldn’t want to.

Although the ending of both movies was happy- and that doesn’t always match up in a real-life story- he faced plenty of adversity, and that is something that everyone can relate to at some point in life.

Assignment 22 - Ethan MacGillivray

If I could be any fictional character, I would 100% be Sherlock Holmes. Even though people endlessly debate whether or not he was a real person or not, i think he qualifies as a fictional character. Instead of being a superhero or a fantasy character like Harry Potter or Bilbo Baggins, who are always in some sort of dangerous or complicated situation, I would live a simple life. I would live a quiet life in England, while helping to solve mysteries with the police. I enjoy mysteries a lot, and it would give my mind a good workout. i would also try to live under the radar of criminals, like the old Sherlock Holmes, not like the one in the TV show "Sherlock", who is targeted by criminals, and has to deal with dangerous situations, much like the superheroes and fantasy characters. My days would consist of tea, sleep, chatting with friends, eating, and solving the occasional crime that baffles the police.

Assignment 21 - Ethan MacGillivray

At this moment, somewhere in the universe a North Korean man is plotting to escape the country he grew up in. He has been living in a dictatorship that is cut off from the rest of the world, with a crazy leader named Kim Jong-Un. The country is being closely watched by every single other country in the world, as they have been testing nuclear weapons, and making subtle threats to use them. He wants out because he wants a normal life for his family, and doesn't want to be a part of the impending war between North Korea and another country. Once he sneaks out of the country, he wants to establish residency in South Korea, and meet a girl there, and get married. He then wants to have kids, and live the rest of his life happily in South Korea, free of the North Korean business. But all of this has just disappeared in an instant, as his plan has been uncovered, and the police are barging through his door. His neighbors sniffed out his plans, and now he will be thrown in prison for the rest of his life. So close.

Assignment 20 - Ethan MacGillivray

Today I'm going to explain to you how to do a rainbow flick with a soccer ball. This is when you flick the ball with your feet over your head from behind you, having it land in front of you. You have to first get the ball securely in between the heel of your stronger foot, right for most people, and the inside of your weak foot. You should start standing still, and as you master that motion, move up to doing it while you are moving forward, as to have an advantage over the stationary defender. After it is securely between your feet, start to roll the ball up your strong leg with your weaker foot. Make sure it is in the middle of the back of your leg, not off to the side. When the ball is at the top of your Achilles tendon, bring your right heel up and hit the ball up into the air. The tricky part is to get the angle right, so the ball doesn't hit your back, but goes over your head onto your waiting foot. Keep practicing, and you will eventually be able to use this to embarrass your friends.

Assignment 21- Reagan Smith

Somewhere in the world right now, (well a lot of places in the world right now) are thousands of University of Kentucky Fans that are very disappointed over their 73-75 loss against University of North Carolina. Some may be swearing, others crying, and others stumbling around their houses that are way under the influence. If 0 is the reference point for intoxication, some people may be 10 feet under the influence to cope with the loss. This will be a major difficulty for the “Big Blue Nation,” BBN in the weeks going forward, but won’t be nearly as bad as the situation we are in with football, but that’s another story.

I however, am not one of those people in the world. I am disappointed for their loss, but not devastated. I support UK, as they are a great team and within a great school, within a great city, but life will go on, and making it to the elite eight isn’t that bad in the big scheme of things.

Assignment 22- Logan Gehefer

If I was a fictional character I would be the greatest of all time, Aragorn from Lord of The Rings. He easily deserves some sort of MVP award as he united Arnor and Gondor for the first time and was a king of kings. He managed to save Frodo a couple of times and always stayed by his side, even when the ring called his name. He never tried to take it from Frodo and kept an amazing level of self control. Also, this legend is extremely hard to kill. He charges fearlessly into battle, even when heavily outnumbered, and even got knocked off a cliff and still managed to live. Aragorn is also inspiring, as in the fact that nothing was handed to him. Sure, he possessed the blood of the great Kings of Men, but virtually, he trained for years on his sword mastery as he was reluctant to rise to the throne of Gondor. Aragorn is winning on and off the field too. This man could seduce any woman around, he had women crawling after him, and even hooked up with Arwen who was pretty hot. Aragorn recognizes when he needs to take appropriate actions, so when Frodo tells him that he needs to do this by himself, he responds with " I would have gone with you to the end" proving his loyalty, knowing one day they would meet again. Basically, he is the definition of a legend, hot wife, good bros, good fighter, and king. What more could a man ask for?

Assignment 21- Logan Gehefer

At this very moment,somewhere in the universe, a narwhal is probably giving a shark the horn. Sharks may seem tough but I think getting stabbed with the unicorn horn of death is probably pretty brutal. Belugas are pretty cool too I wager they'd hop in and help out their distant cousins. At another spot in the universe two kangaroos are fighting right now. I've watched some videos on the internet and they are brutal fighters. The more dominant Kangaroo just stood on his tail and bucked the smaller one, knocking him to the ground. The bigger Kangaroo hopped on top and took the win when a sheep bucked him. As the Kangaroo stood back up to finish off the sheep, the same Narwhal rode in on a wave and speared the Kangaroo, saving the sheep's life. Moral of the situation going on, don't mess with sheep and Narwhals because they're crazy.

Assignment 20-Reagan Smith

How to Wash Your Car
Preface: This is something that I have a level of expertise in, from reading and watching videos on YouTube, I don't claim to be one of the self-proclaimed experts on the topic (like many "experts" are these days), but I have learned a few things, so I thought I would share them with you.

The first question you may be asking right now is why wash your own car? Why shouldn't I just go to a car wash? Well, car washes- even with soft cloth brushes- have the ability to scratch your car. Other people's car dirt can stick to them and then it is scraped over your car's nice shiny paint!

You'll Need:
Soft Wash Mitt
Two Buckets
Car Wash Solution
A Drying Towel

First fill one of your buckets with plain water, and the other with the proper ratio of car wash solution to water.
Soak your wash mitt in the solution and spray off your car with a light pressure water jet.
Move the wash mitt over the top of the car, moving side to side, top to bottom, frequently rinsing and re-soaping the mitt.
Spray your car off with a light water mist and dry with a microfiber towel.

Now your car looks great!

Assignment 20- Logan Gehefer

My particular area of expertise is I know how to live and breathe Houston Rockets Basketball. IF you want to be one in the ways of the Rockets, here's some simple steps to get you started.
1. Remember The Greats
Not only does H Town host the bearded beast, but they also had some all star legends, such as Yao Ming, Tracy McGrady, and the greatest, Hakeem Olajuwon. Don't sleep on the goats.
2. Fear the Beard
James Harden is simply the best guy in the world. He leads the league in double doubles with 57 this season and is second in triple doubles with 19. He never gets less than 30 points a game and has put up unrealistic numbers.This is probably the most important step, I would recommend and altar and maybe sacrifice your shaved facial hair to him.
3. Blame it on the refs
Yeah this is pretty much with any sports teams, it's always the refs fault. They can never get it right for the team you're rooting for, so hate the refs, they suck.
4. Get The Gear
Self explanatory, you have to dress the part to be the part
5. We hate dwight Howard
He ruined the program for a year and overall is just a low quality person, no respect.

Assignment 22- Brianna Scott

If I could be any fictional character, I would be Pam Beasley (later Halpert) from NBC's "The Office." There are some rough patches through the 9 years of her life that are filmed for the "documentary", but the high points out weigh those for me.

The best reason, obviously, is that she is married to Jim Halpert. The series starts with the two as best friends, leaving the audience in agony as to how oblivious Pam is to the fact that Jim is in love with her, and she is just as much in love with him. He tells her he loves her while she is engaged to her high school sweetheart (who treats her horribly) and she turns him down. He ends up leaving Scranton, and when he gets transferred back he has a girlfriend and she had called off her wedding. The timing had just never seemed right, until Jim gets the opportunity to get a job in New York City and realizes that his life should be with Pam. He immediately goes back to the office and asks her out and with a sigh of relief from everyone watching, she says yes. He does amazing things for her, and really is the perfect husband.

Pam works at Dunder Mifflin, and gets to work with some of the best people... like ever. Michael Scott is the funniest person ever and honestly I would do anything to be friends with him. Even though for the first seasons Dwight Schrute tries to act like he doesn't like Jim or Pam, by the end of season 9 they are the best of friends.

Assignment 22- Ella Jensen

If I could be any fictional character I would be Wendy from Peter Pan for 3 reasons. 1) I would be able to experience Neverland first hand with Peter but then be able to go home afterwards. Although being a kid is fun; for Wendy specifically, it would become mundane and annoying since she wants to mature and not resort to childish games. At the same time, this immaturity is what would make it fun for just a while. 2) When she doesn’t have a stick up her butt, Wendy was still very intelligent and calm, which are two traits that I admire. She was able to act as the motherly figure yet still has fun. These traits are also her flaws because they do alter her social capacity and make her such a rule follower in the beginning.  3) She gets to grow up in downtown London which is very cool. As well, being rich leads to many opportunities growing up in that level of privilege that would be fun to experience.

Assignment 21- Brianna Scott

Right now, at this moment, in Memphis, Tennessee, it is halftime of the Kentucky v. North Carolina Elite Eight game. The score is 38-33, North Carolina. De'Aaron Fox just got mauled on his way to the basket... and nothing from the officials. The team just headed back to the locker room, and I'm sure Coach Cal has some words for them (and for the refs, but he will need to keep those to himself).

Right now, at this moment, in Lexington, Kentucky, thousands of families are sitting in their living rooms sweating. They already have made hypothetical plans in their heads for next Saturday night, and they have physical chest pain thinking about the possibility of this being the last game they get to watch together this season.

Right now, at this moment, wherever you might be, GO CATS!

Assignment 22- Gus Carlson

 If I could be any fictional character, I would probably be Ferris Bueller. The best part about Ferris Bueller's life is that everything goes right for him, especially in his namesake film. He is confident, intelligent, and can get away with almost anything. He is consistently outsmarting those that could thwart him and has the respect and admiration of almost everyone he meets. He knows what he's doing and thus can lackadaisically waltz through life. His confidence does not lead to over-arrogance, as he is also polite to most people. His sense of clever and charm mean he can work his way through any tough situation he might encounter, and his parents are completely unknowing towards his exploits. He also gets to live in the awesome city of Chicago and enjoy it to its fullest extent. He has a beautiful girlfriend and a loyal, rich friend and his life is pretty much exactly how he wants it. Ferris truly shapes his destiny and his path in life. Although his life is unrealistic, is would be cool to be in his shoes.

Assignment 20- Brianna Scott

How to watch a Kentucky Basketball game-
If you live in Lexington, or anywhere in the state of Kentucky, you have for sure seen at least part of a UK basketball game. Here are 5 steps to make it as enjoyable as possible.
Step 1- There isn't any way of avoiding it. Accept the fact that you live in a place that lives and breathes basketball.
Step 2- Find some friends that care about the team. When you have people around you that are passionate, you might see the reason why people like it so much.
Step 3- Learn about the players and the coach. The positive impact that the team has on our community is huge. Coach Cal cares a lot about his players, and recruits kids that are amazing on and off the court.
Step 4- Get the proper attire. There's a UK clothing store on almost every corner, and it will feel just right sitting down in front of the TV in your Kentucky blue!
Step 5- If the past steps haven't worked, get some good food! If you still find the game boring and wish you were somewhere else, at least you have some queso and Kentucky blue tortilla chips to keep you company.

Assignment 21- Gus Carlson

  At this very moment somewhere in the universe...
Almost everything is happening. Someone is doing almost every imaginable task. If you want to get an idea of how big the human population is, know that millions of students are currently sitting in classrooms, millions of adults are stuck in traffic, millions of people are sleeping. Some people are rushing to finish last minute homework. Some are rushing to see their loved ones. Some are rushing to save others. Some are wishing to escape others. Some are living their last day, whether they know it or not. Some are living their first day. Some are reading, some are writing, some are eating, some are cooking, some are crying, some are laughing, some are sick, some are healthy.
 In what you are doing at this moment, you are not special or unique. It is what you do in all of your moments, combined, that makes you unique.

Assignment 20- Gus Carlson

 One of my talents is convincing people of things that are outlandish or ridiculous. This skill can be used in a multitude of scenarios, especially for getting yourself out of a sticky situation. For this process, the only things you need are another person, a ridiculous claim, a quick mind, and persistence. The first step is to somehow reveal the fact to your target. The process is easier if they ask you a question first, because they are more likely to trust you. Next, you must provide some sort of backing up or evidence for your claim. If you make your fact seem to just be another truth interwoven into the bigger picture, it makes sense that it is more believable. The most important step if you want to accomplish anything is a adapting to the situation. If somebody questions you about your claim, you must be quick-witted enough to stay calm and answer questions. Finally, you can reveal your misdirection to the target if you wish to avoid any long lasting ill will. Following these steps will ensure you can convince people of anything in no time.

Assignment 22- Emma Tucker

If I could be any fictional character, I would be Brooke Davis from One Tree Hill.  Brooke Davis had it all. She was smart and beautiful and strong. She was full of talent, and always worked hard. She ran her own multimillion-dollar fashion company, but she also had the most incredible friendships. Brooke went through a lot of hard times, but she didn't let them bring her down. Instead she used those experiences to become a better person. Brooke lived a life full of love, and laughter, and fun, and isn't that everybody's main goal in life. Brooke was loyal to her friends. She was bold and said whatever was on her mind. She was confident and never backed down from a challenge.  One Tree Hill was a TV show full of great characters, but Brooke Davis was extraordinary. She was one fictional character I truly admired, which is kind of weird but completely true.

Assignment 22 - Haley Drake

If I could be any fictional character I'd be Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter series. Even though she's a Ravenclaw and I'm Slytherin, I still admire her for her strength of character. She's not only carefree and just plain weird, but also very intelligent and resourceful. And I guess the whole magic thing is pretty cool too. I mean imagine learning how to transform any object into anything else, creating potions that can do all kinds of things, casting spells... It just seems like a lot of fun to me. Not to mention Luna was part of the most important group of wizards and witches of her time. She faced a magical terrorist group as a kid only as old as we are now. She's so incredibly strong and I just admire her as a person.

Assignment 21- Emma Tucker

Right now, at this very moment, over 7 billion people are living their own lives. Every person is experiencing something in a way that only they can. Some are celebrating birthdays, and some taking their last breaths. Some are falling in love, and some are experiencing heartbreak for the very first time. Little kids are running around enjoying the weather without a care in the world, and some people are contemplating a decision that will alter the course of their life. The idea that 7.5 billion people are walking on this earth living their own lives has always been a thought that perplexes me. A moment that may be completely insignificant in my life, might be a moment that somebody else remembers forever.  Taking a step back and thinking about how there are 7.5 billion people on this world that all live complex and intricate lives blows my mind. Sometimes, I try to step back and remember this fact because it puts the world into perspective.

Assignment 20- Emma Tucker

How to park on the hill...

When I am older and reflecting on my life and think about my junior year of high school, I am positive that one of the biggest things I will remember is the hours I spent sitting in my car after getting to school and hour and a half early to get a parking spot. While it might be a pain in the you know what to wake up before the sun has even considered rising to get to school in order too fight for a parking spot, there are ways to make it easier.

First, if it is under 40 degrees you are going to want a blanket because you can't leave your car running the entire time. I suggest leaving a couple blankets in your car, so you always have one if you need it.

Second, bring something to do. I have always been a student that gets my homework done the night before. But, when you have so much extra time in the morning there is no reason to stress about getting everything done at night. Go ahead and finish your math homework in the car.

My last piece of advice might be the most important. If you have friends that also park on the hill, invite them to come join you in the morning. Time goes much quicker if you have someone to spend it with, and there is no better way to start your day than with good conversation and laughter, except maybe an extra hour of sleep.

Assignment 21 - Haley Drake

At this very moment, somewhere in the universe a star is dying. It's expanding at an extraordinary rate, consuming everything in its path in heat and gas. Meanwhile, somewhere else in the universe, interstellar matter compresses and fuses, creating a perfect balance of gravity and outward forces - a star is born. Elsewhere, the crude beginnings of alien life forms are thriving. These archaic, microbic organisms are unbeknownst to humans, who live trillions of miles away. Somewhere else in the universe, some human person is staring up at the night sky in awe. The stars they see might have died thousands of years ago, but their light that still beams across the galaxy reaches Earth just in time for them to see it. And as the human returns their gaze back to Earth, they go back to what they were doing before and continue going about their regular night at home.

Assignment 24: The Future

You're done!  - well almost
Your Junior year (nearly) OVER.
Tell us about it.
Successes? Failures? Lessons Learned? Risks taken? Mistakes made? What will you do in the Summer?  What do you want for your Senior year? How do you plan to reach your goals?

Minimum of 150 words - due on Sunday, April 9th at 11:59 pm

May 14th is the last day to make up blogs 23-26

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Assignment 20 - Haley Drake

   If there's anything that my nearly 500 hours of volunteer work at local libraries have taught me - it's how to organize books. I know you're probably thinking "Wow what a boring and ultimately insignificant thing to know how to do." But if you're like me and most of the time books just end up in random stacks on any available surface in your room, this can actually come in handy.
I tend to think that how a person arranges their books says a lot about them, so the following is a list of examples to get some ideas flowing:

   1. The Alphabet Enthusiast: This is what most libraries use. And yeah, it makes sense if you want to find something easily. Just alphabetize it. But also zZzZz... boring!
   2.Reading Rainbow: If you want to do something really artsy, try arranging your books based on the color of their binding! I've personally never done this because most of my books are neutral colored and I just don't think it'd work, but I've seen pictures online and it's sooo pretty.
   3. Knick-Knacks Galore: This isn't technically a way to arrange books but it is a great way to fill up shelf space. The best way to make a shelf really reflect your personality is to put some nerdy mementos all over the place. A shell you found on the beach? Put it on the shelf! A polaroid of you and your friends? That can go there too! Just whatever you feel like putting there, go for it.
   4. The Bookworm's Struggle: And finally my personal favorite, literally just stuffing books wherever they will fit. When there are too many books and not enough shelf space, this is the last resort. Here's a photo of one of my shelves for reference.  ------->

Friday, March 24, 2017

Assignment 21- Ella Jensen

Right now 6,235 miles away millions of people are suffering with no end in sight. And when they try to escape these forsaken situations, no helping hands are offered. The Syrian humanitarian crisis, entering its 5th year of violence, left 12.2 million people in need of assistance, and over 220,000 people have been killed plus 1 million injured. The displacement of Syrian refugees has forced almost 4 million people from their homes into foreign environments of discrimination and more hardship. In Syria’s state, many of the shelters and hospitals have been destroyed or severely damaged leaving those who remained no assistance or escape. The water supply has dipped below 50% of its pre-crisis levels, dwindling resources to a close. The state at hand is not one to be ignored because for every second of our “right now” the people just a continent away that second becomes another second of lost hope.

Assignment 20- Ella Jensen

A good skill that I have developed through constant stress and pressure is the ability to handle procrastination or rather avoid it.
How to not procrastinate:
1)   Set priorities within your classes. You can do such just by measuring grades, whether one class needs more attention earlier because they grade needs to rise or putting something on the back burner because it’s not worth as many points. You can also organize based on assignments alone; if one assignment takes longer, you know you should start earlier.
2)   Create to-do lists. Personally I create to-do lists that are more than I can probably do but it keeps me on task and focused because I know the scope of what I need to do.

3)   Start really early. For example with unit assignments, if you start the day after the test you only have to do like 2 key terms a day and that takes less than 10 minutes.

This is ironic bc these blog posts are due Sunday :))