Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Assignment 21- Nick Joseph

At this very moment, somewhere in the universe...

A dog is running in a field.  The dog, named Billy, loves his owner.  Billy is a golden retriever and loves playing fetch.  As Billy sits at attention, his owner, Frank, hurls Billy's ball over a fence and through a cluster of trees, finally coming to rest under a thorn bush.  Billy is now faced with a dilemma.  His two choices are abandon the ball like a weak, pitiful, loser of a coward, or charge into the bush sacrificing life and limb for his ball.  Clearly, because Billy's mother raised him to be smart, he rushes into the thorn bush.  He lets out a yelp as a thorn penetrates his thigh.  He grabs the ball in his mouth and weakly limps back to Frank.  Frank begins to praise Billy, but then notices the thorn.  He does everything he can to save Billy, but Billy ultimately succumbs to his illness.  However, Billy dies content, knowing that he sacrificed his life for those of all the dogs who would play with his ball in the future.

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