Sunday, February 12, 2017

Assignment 19 - Haley Drake

I'm gonna be honest and go ahead and say I can't think of an incredible piece of advice that's stuck with me for more than a few minutes. I'm sure someone's given me good advice at some point, but as of now nothing's really coming to me. So I'll just talk about some advice that was given to me pretty recently. About a minute ago my mom told me, "Maybe you shouldn't leave things off 'til the last possible minute. Then you wouldn't be so stressed out." And yeah, she's totally right. If I wrote this blog post weeks ago - when it was assigned - I wouldn't be having to do it now, at 8:45 pm Sunday night. Will this advice change my life, and cause me to completely change my ways? Probably not. But it was a nice thought and maybe if people keep telling me that, I'll actually stop procrastinating someday. Then I wouldn't be so stressed out...

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