Saturday, February 11, 2017

Assignment 20-Elizabeth Ueland

Other than strikingly good looks, God blessed me with the ability to craft music playlists. Although much of my music taste stems from my elder siblings and cousins, I do possess an affinity for making playlists on Spotify. The first step to making a kick a*% playlist is figuring out the name and style. Whether it’s alternative, rock, soul, rap, classical, reggae, or a blend of genres, the style is the most important. After you have a style the name is the next step-a lame name entails a lame playlist. Sometimes if my creative juices are stagnant I just search for random phobias online. My personal favorite is sesquipedalophobia, the fear of long words. After the style and name, the first four songs are critical in this stage of making a playlist. These are the covers that appear on the playlist title and provide the only aesthetic portion of the playlist. Finally, the rest of the songs are up to you, however, it is forbidden to go over 45 songs unless it is a throwback playlist. If you follow these steps then you have , as the kids would say, a “dank” playlist.   

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