Thursday, February 16, 2017

Assignment 21 - Maddie Klumb

At this very moment somewhere in the universe...

...someone is working tirelessly to find the cure to cancer or some other life-altering disease. This is something I aspire to do with my life. It doesn't have to be as big as curing cancer; but the thought of helping improve another person's life in some way, no matter how small, makes me happy and feel as if I am leaving the world a better place than it was when I found it. I also like the idea of doing research as a career because it will enable me to pursue my goal of improving other's lives while allowing me to explore the world around me.

...someone is sleeping. I like sleeping okay, don't judge me.

...someone is doing what they love rather than what is easy. This doesn't necessarily stem from something I want to do, but rather a quality I admire. In my opinion it takes a great amount of bravery and courage to follow the original or challenging path that makes you happy rather than the path that is easy. This quality has led to many great people, places, and things that probably wouldn't otherwise exist. Painters who became famous after their time, people who changed the way entire groups of people are viewed and treated; they all had this admirable trait.

At this very moment somewhere in the universe... someone is considering what their future goals are, and may be inspired to pursue them despite all odds.

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