Sunday, November 6, 2016

Assignment 13- Nick Joseph

In the current election cycle, illegal immigration is a hot topic.  Now many rational people may propose actual enforcement of our country's laws, but I (at least for the purposes of this journal) have a different view.  I think we should open up all of our country's borders and welcome everyone who wants to enter into our county, like one big happy family.  Now, some would say that illegal aliens take American jobs.  In reality, this could be a nice lesson in workplace diversity.  These same people are probably very quick to point out the security risks of open borders.  I choose to believe that all of these people would just magically get along with everyone else.  You know, the more people, especially unvetted ones, you have in any given area, the less likely crimes are to occur.  I know this to be a fact, but I simply forget the source.  I would say that we need to change our immigration laws to follow these guidelines more closely, but since when does anybody in Washington actually follow laws?  Clearly, an open border policy will benefit everyone, except for maybe fencing companies. 

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