Saturday, November 19, 2016

Assignment 12 - Joseph Cook

Wow, I sure feel spiffy with this new foil wrapper, my friends are all gonna be so... similar. Oh. We all look the exact same. I guess that's what you get when you're gum. Tomorrow I get shipped off to the store. I'll update this diary when I get there.

That was not fun. Try sitting completely still, in the dark, on a turbulent plane, with your entire family all crowded next to you. Actually, don't try it. It's terrible.

I got sold today. Its a morbidly obese preteen kid with really bad acne. He doesn't have pockets and I'm not even gonna say where he put us. *shudder*

I just got chewed and spat out on the sidewalk, how disrespectful. Anyways, I guess this is the end of the line for me guys. If anything happens, I'll be sure to let you know.

I got picked up today by a young toddler. His mom doesn't know. Hopefully she checks his diaper soon. What is it with kids and no pockets. It reeks in here.

Here I am again. Sitting in a landfill. At least I'm off the streets. I guess this really is the end. I lived a good life. I think. It could have been better. If there are any major updates, this diary will be the first to know. Bye for now.

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