Sunday, November 13, 2016

Assignment 13- Emma Tucker

This past Tuesday America elected our 45th president. After an intense and controversial almost two years, this election finally came to a close with a result that many did not see coming. And the reactions that came from the result were unlike anything I have ever seen. Therefore, tonight I would just like to take a moment to say how proud I am of the reaction of half the country. I think they have all taught us a very important lesson. This lesson is, if you don't get your way lets throw a fit. Instead of doing something productive, lets burn things in the streets and start riots because the candidate that we didn't vote for won. That is the only way to voice your opinions. Let's cry about it. Let's degrade our friends of different beliefs on Facebook. Let's tear apart people that have supported us just because they place importance on different values and morals than we do. I mean if someone thinks the slightest thing different then you they are the most despicable human being, so lets treat them as such. Instead of coming together to support the next chapter in American history, let us turn against one another. That probably will change the outcome of the election, right?

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