Sunday, November 6, 2016

Assignment 13 - Maddie Klumb

The election is looming. But it's okay, we can always hold a re-vote later like England after Br-exit. Meanwhile in America, one candidate is frantically emailing everyone they know begging for their last minute support. And the other is hoping nothing new surfaces in the next few days. Both are busy explaining to anyone that will listen that "At least I'm not the other one." The election will be rigged by Russia anyway so why bother going to vote? Oh right, every vote counts no matter what state you vote in, or what third party candidate you choose; the election is directly affected by you. As long as we remember that half of the country will be relieved- and the other half will just move to Canada or threaten to leave the Union- we can all vote with a clear conscience. America will improve either way - we are the best after all.

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