Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Assignment 10- Brianna Scott

In English this year, I get to sit by Emma Tucker. She is one of the sweetest and kindest people I know. We've gone to school together since the 6th grade, but we weren't close friends until freshman year. That year we had almost every class together and I know it made my school day so much better than it probably would've been. We always have something to talk or laugh about. Emma always keeps me updated on the latest celebrity scandal, just in case I might have missed it. We both have a thing for UK basketball players and know a little more than most about them, so it's not weird at all when one of us knows Wenyen Gabriel's favorite flavor of Ramen noodles. Emma genuinely cares about other's interests over her own and through that shows her love for Jesus in everything that she does. Having a friend like Emma encourages me to be a better person and to always see the bright side of whatever situation I might be in that day. If Emma was a color, she would be pink. Pink is a soft color, and I feel that it exemplifies the way that Emma cares for those around her. I think that it also represents her calmness, because she always can keep her cool in situations where I usually cannot. In five years, I see her traveling the world, running some kind of company, making a difference in the world. Though she may move somewhere else, I know that Lexington, Kentucky has a very special place in her heart. If she were an animal, she would be a puppy, because everyone loves puppies. I'm so blessed to get to experience high school with a friend like Emma. 

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