Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Assignment 11 - Dylan Spradlin
Halloween, a favorite holiday for some, often evokes emotion such as fear and intrigue, fright and horror. Whether it be attending a haunted house or dressing up in scary costumes, Halloween reminds us all of our worst fears. Although my preferred holiday isn't Halloween, I always loved watching horror movies. The adrenaline rush of a pop out scare is enjoyable at any age. For me, my worst fears include snakes and spiders. I don't believe in ghosts, but we all know snakes and spiders are terrifyingly real. Although they sometimes have good use on Earth, they creep me out more than any horror movie could. Another huge fear of mine is heights, even though I attempt to overcome it at any given chance. In my opinion, rollercoasters and mountain climbing are fun activities which I try to take advantage of when given the opportunity. Growing up, I have gained more experiences with heights and it has become less of a fear, but falling from very high places with little protection remains terrifying.
Assignment 10 - Dylan Spradlin
Towards the latter half of the day, entering Mr. Logsdon's fifth hour class, already sleep deprived and wanting to go home brings about certain characteristics in people. Sitting next to Julian, whom I've known since elementary school, the long school day seems to create a dormant mood. You might see him with earphones in, often listening to music, with the outside world tuned out. But on the inside, when you get to know him you can see his joking and goofy personality. As a color he is best characterized as red, because when not asleep he is hardworking and passionate, although sometimes competitive. As an animal he could be described as a panda because he is always eating something or sleeping. He is also very passionate about video games, especially Call of Duty, in which he beats me nearly every time. In five years I can see him as a successful video game creator or designer.
Assignment 9 - Dylan Spradlin
Among the many threats that surround our country and great nation, violence and war should never be considered as the end result. To provide for our national defense was founded as the basis of the Constitution for our nation in order to protect and preserve the rights of all citizens. Therefore, war is never the answer and amounts to nothing beneficial. There should never be a time where we must resort to war in order to solve a problem. The power lays all in the hands of our nations leaders, together they must work in harmony and peace, or else conflict will arise. Although in the past, a countries power may have been determined by the strength of their military, we have moved far beyond that point. To continue our evolution as a country, and even globally with international relations---war is never the way to react. Alternatives should be put in place in order to maintain unity among nations, including controlling gun policies more strictly and furthering peaceful relations between nations countries.
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Assignment 14 - Maddie Klumb
Thanksgiving is not my favorite holiday. It involves waking up early, working hard making food all day, and awkward family discussions. Instead, I enjoy the Christmas holiday. Every day of December I wear a different pair of Christmas earrings. I begin to listen to Christmas music before it even comes on the radio for the season. For my family the spirit of the holiday goes beyond the religious origin. Christmas is a time to reflect on the year and spend time with family. Exchanging gifts is a show of appreciation for one another and not just something to do because society expects it. My family normally has three trees: normal, handmade (ornaments), and snowman. Every year we cut and decorate at least one tree the weekend after Thanksgiving. Christmas Eve, we go to church with my grandpa, then we go home and open one present (always pajamas). Christmas morning we open presents then eat a large breakfast. Later in the day we gather at my grandpa's house with the rest of my extended family and eat, exchange presents, and play games. The day after Christmas we drive to St. Louis to do the same with my Dad's side of the family.
Assignment 14- Elizabeth Salamanca
A majority of my mother's family still lives in Lexington, so our Thanksgiving has no shortage of people and personalities. It used to always be held at our house, but now my mom schedules us all to go to Spindletop Hall and eat there. This year, we're splitting the family into two groups: old people and young people. In the past it has just been sit wherever you want, but then my soon-to-be cousin and his girlfriend said if they had to sit next to a certain uncle for the third year in a row, they would not come. I have a fairly small stomach, and I can't eat very much in one sitting. I'd rather eat a little bit and eat often, so Thanksgiving has never really been my thing. I don't even really like turkey, but I guess the mashed potatoes makes up for it. Honestly, I don't think my family has ever had an interesting Thanksgiving, and probably never will.
Assignment 13- Elizabeth Salamanca
The change in the attitudes of mental illness in the past years has been incredible. Not only are people starting to realize and understand the issues that come with being mentally ill, but science is also finding explanations and medicines for these people. For example, studies have shown that cases of anxiety, stress, and depression are incredibly common for sane and rational people that are aware of their surroundings, especially high school students. Turns out that people who are delusional, insane, or have amnesia are actually better off than us. So what can be done about this? Is there any way to be even vaguely conscious about the world around us without becoming an empty shell of the optimistic child we all once were? The only way to be completely free of the entanglements that come with being in the know is apathy. If nobody cares, then what is there to get upset about?
Assignment 12- Elizabeth Salamanca
Being a purse can be incredibly entertaining, as my new companion takes me everywhere she goes. I attend six hours of school a day (and have a basic understanding of AP Physics,) sleep on a very comfortable couch every night, go to all of her clubs and lessons and rehearsals, and hold a large amount of her babysitting money. I even have a friend! The purse of her friend is also a vintage Coach, and she comes over sometimes. I do live in fear, however, that one day I will go out of style or break and would therefore be doomed to a life of hanging on a shelf with the rest of her old purses. I wonder what I'd do if I were forced to retire. My journey to get here hasn't been easy. My previous companions hardly ever used me at all, but now my life is much more interesting.
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Assignment 16: Speech
Post your speech!
Last blog of the year! Huzzah!
December 4th is the last day to make up blogs 9-16
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Assignment 14 - Joseph Cook
My fam doesn't really have any Thanksgiving traditions, but we have one [heck] of a Christmas. First, my brother wakes us all up at 4:00. Except for mom, never disturb mom's slumber. Next, we open presents, since I am the least favorite child (probably) I always get the least presents. Next my father makes a keesh queesh one of those egg pie things. It always has bacon and ham and eggs in it. then everybody stops communicating with each other as we explore our new gifts. Then, my mother, wanting to be Christmas spirity makes us all play games that require human interaction. Then we sleep. The End
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Assignment 11- Elizabeth Salamanca
Now, when I say this know I am not suicidal, nor am I trying to be a martyr. My plan for when zombies attack is to just walk toward the zombies. Who would want to live in a world like the one of the zombie apocalypse? There would be no fast food, no easy-access painkillers, no space heaters for when your feet get cold. Plus, even if you were totally coherent and awake when you are a zombie, wouldn't it be kinda cool to be the hunter, not the hunted? I honestly have very little desire to survive a zombie attack. I logically know that no matter how hard I try there is only a very slim chance that I would survive anyway. I have no fighting experience, no strong plan, no drive, not even a weapon. I would never get the guts to kill a human, even an undead human, no matter how necessary it may be. Frankly, no team in their mind would even consider letting me join them. I would simply be a liability.
Assignment 10- Elizabeth Salamanca
I could probably write a full-length biography on Maddie Klumb. She was born in Kansas City, Missouri which I never liked because it should be in Kansas. She later moved to Fort Thomas, Kentucky and later to Lexington right before the start of fifth grade. I remember during the first week of school, music class provided me with my first introduction to her. We used to play four-square or soccer everyday during recess, and bond over our annoying sisters. I would characterize Maddie as a pale purple, the really pretty kind that grows on all the flowers in Spring (I honestly couldn't tell you why.) In five years, Maddie will be finishing her senior year of a liberal arts college in New England, hating the cold and missing the horses. She's one of the most intelligent people I've ever met, and the most amazing secret keeper, advice giver, and best friend.
Assignment 9- Elizabeth Salamanca
This is difficult for me to answer because throughout my life I have changed opinions a multitude of time. As a child, I believed it simply to be a matter of us stopping the bad people only, then leaving. No death, no injustice, just textbook hero saves the day stuff. As I grew older, I thought I had the perfect solution: if only some villains knew how much harm they were causing, surely they would stop. If they watched a mother crying over her dead child, would they not see the error of their ways? Now, I understand that there is not black and white, clear cut answer. I always believe that if the suffering of others can be prevented, it should be done. Essentially, I believe that no matter what the course of action is, the purest intentions should always be most important. The only way to not divide ourselves by religion, nationality, or ethnicity is to join together as one world and care about others.
Monday, November 21, 2016
Assignment 10 - Joseph Cook
In Mr. Logsdon's class I sit next to Erin Caudill. She is an interesting character. She likes archery, dance and orchestra. When she was little she wanted to grow up and be a famous cashier. That could still work out for her. Honestly just being a cashier sounds great right now, but back to Erin, if I had to define her as a colour, she would be green. You are what you eat after all, and plants are green. I know for a fact that she has eaten at least part of a plant before. One of her greatest passions is dankmemeology, the study of dank memes. Not much to be said about that.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Assignment 14-Elizabeth Ueland
It's the most wonderful time of the year and people around the world are celebrating their own rendition of the holidays. In the Ueland family this means the gang is back together (with the exception of Thomas, the soccer star). Thanksgiving includes a spread of food confected only by Dad and comprises of the typical American Thanksgiving dinner in addition to an assortment of African dishes. Accompanied by the Bosele family, we scarf down dinner as everyone throws out sarcastic remarks and jeers. Mostly directed at Sara. The Bosele family brings African dishes and I pretend to like them despite the subsequent aching stomach pains. For Christmas the family takes I-70 W to the small town of Carbondale, Colorado to stay with our extended family in a cabin in the mountains. The drive takes 22 hours and many stories have accumulated through the years of the infamous trip. From leaving Sara at a gas station in Kansas to spinning off the interstate to the car breaking down at three in the morning the drive is absolute rubbish.
Assignment 9 -Joseph Cook
Alternatives can include, but are not limited to: dinner parties, chess matches, rolling a d20 to see who wins, asking a mystic, spinning in a circle and the last man standing wins, dance contests, memory erasing, and so much more. If you just think outside of the box, the possibilities are limitless.
Assignment 11- Brianna Scott
I would never say that I would be excited about a zombie apocalypse, but it would definitely be pretty interesting. I love to watch "The Walking Dead" so it's hypothetically been in the back of my mind as to how I would deal with that. Ideally, I would head straight to Florida. I wouldn't deal with all of the people who act like they don't know what's going on, or just wont believe what they're seeing on the TV. I have an uncle in Florida who love to hunt and are completely loaded with guns. They don't live near a lot of people, so that would be safe. Depending on how many people our supplies could handle, we would need to keep track of quantities and such. Eventually we could try to set up a school, a medical office, and some farming that would allow us to be self-sustainable. Before we let someone into the camp, or whatever it would be referred to as, there should be some kind of question or simple task that allows us to trust them. Walls are a must. As seen on TWD, after a while the zombies aren't the enemy anywhere. The people are.
Assignment 13-Elizabeth Ueland
The weather is getting colder in Lexington, and the kids of Fayette County Public Schools are eager for their beloved snow days. Awaiting the words of their God-Chris Reece, kids have waited for this time of year since, well, the end of the last time of year. The problem is that administers are attempting to assign online work to students during snow days. Sure this would shorten the days at the end of the year but kids are just watching movies after AP tests and finals anyways so who cares, maybe they can squeeze in an extra Netflix series. Kids would rather spend their snow days sledding at Shriners- the hospital right by the school, or doing fun illegal things that high schoolers love, instead of doing online work. What would this online work accomplish? More work for the students while the teachers sit at home drinking coffee and eat apples-or whatever teachers do. Basically, kids need to protest or sign a petition or whatever for the administrators to look at and never consider because opinions of lowly uneducated children are utterly useless. Thank you FCPS for another thing for students to dread and for taking away the only joyful thing about school.
Assignment 15: Covergirl

Actually this one is all about make-up (do you see what I did there)?
If you have completed all the blogs for the semester, then take this week off. If you are missing a blog post then use this opportunity to make-up a grade.
Your Prompt:
Choose one of the other two prompts from Assignment 6: Create your own adventure and write about it.
Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, November 27th at 11:59 pm
December 4th is the last day to make up blogs 9-16
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Assignment 12 - Joseph Cook
Wow, I sure feel spiffy with this new foil wrapper, my friends are all gonna be so... similar. Oh. We all look the exact same. I guess that's what you get when you're gum. Tomorrow I get shipped off to the store. I'll update this diary when I get there.
That was not fun. Try sitting completely still, in the dark, on a turbulent plane, with your entire family all crowded next to you. Actually, don't try it. It's terrible.
I got sold today. Its a morbidly obese preteen kid with really bad acne. He doesn't have pockets and I'm not even gonna say where he put us. *shudder*
I just got chewed and spat out on the sidewalk, how disrespectful. Anyways, I guess this is the end of the line for me guys. If anything happens, I'll be sure to let you know.
I got picked up today by a young toddler. His mom doesn't know. Hopefully she checks his diaper soon. What is it with kids and no pockets. It reeks in here.
Here I am again. Sitting in a landfill. At least I'm off the streets. I guess this really is the end. I lived a good life. I think. It could have been better. If there are any major updates, this diary will be the first to know. Bye for now.
Assignment 14- Emma Tucker
The holiday season is a time full of family and fun. My family typically has a low-key Thanksgiving. My aunt, uncle, cousin and grandparents come over, and my mom and aunt cook. But Christmas is when my family goes all out. We go to western Kentucky, where my family is from and stay at my grandparents. On Christmas morning, my whole family, all fifteen of us, wear matching pajamas. And before we start opening any presents, we have to get the perfect picture of all of us. It has become a huge ordeal, and our friends all tell us they anxiously await our pajama picture every year. After we get the picture, my grandfather, who we call Golfcart, gives a speech where he talks about the year and how glad he is that our whole family is together. Then we all exchange gifts. Once we open all our presents we just enjoy each others company. Christmas is normally one of the only times we are all under one roof, so we spend the time together playing card games and watching movies. My aunt and uncle that live in western Kentucky have a farm, so we typically drive out there and spend sometime outside. Christmas is a special time in my family, and some of my favorite family memories come from the few days we spend together celebrating.
Assignment 14 - Benjamin Givens
Thanksgiving lacks any inherent wrong within its central idea as a holiday. The idea of families coming together to celebrate the positive aspects of their lives contains merit. Problems disseminate from the particulars of the event. Organizing the location and time; assigning tasks and dishes to be brought; preparing courses and cleaning the house to avoid judgement from your family. All these elements of Thanksgiving add up to a picture of stress and discomfort. An introvert's problems only begin with preparation. Social interactions can be exhausting and expectations abound as to what your responses will be. I'm doing good. School is going well. Automatic responses that have no weight. It is not necessarily that the statements are untrue. Certainly this year has surpassed the previous, but the it is without thought or consideration for reality; empty. Given this, Thanksgiving is a strange time. In order to make it more worthwhile, you have to put in the effort to take the opportunity to catch up with your family and express your thankfulness. If you fall into the trap of automation, nothing is gained.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Assignment 14- Nick Joseph
For my family, Thanksgiving is a pretty big holiday. Every year, we go to both my mom's and dad's childhood homes. On my mom's side, we have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. We eat turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, cranberry sauce, rolls, etc. My mom's three siblings all bring their families too. We all sit around the table and have conversation about a wide variety of topics. My dad's parents live on a farm, and our Thanksgiving meal there is a little more unique. We have all of the normal Thanksgiving foods, but we also grill venison, turkey, and dove that we have hunted throughout the year. This is a much more casual get together than my mom's side of the family. We play football and end the day with a big bonfire. Every year I look forward to Thanksgiving because it is an opportunity to spend time with my large family, and this year is no exception.
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Assignment 13- Emma Tucker
This past Tuesday America elected our 45th president. After an intense and controversial almost two years, this election finally came to a close with a result that many did not see coming. And the reactions that came from the result were unlike anything I have ever seen. Therefore, tonight I would just like to take a moment to say how proud I am of the reaction of half the country. I think they have all taught us a very important lesson. This lesson is, if you don't get your way lets throw a fit. Instead of doing something productive, lets burn things in the streets and start riots because the candidate that we didn't vote for won. That is the only way to voice your opinions. Let's cry about it. Let's degrade our friends of different beliefs on Facebook. Let's tear apart people that have supported us just because they place importance on different values and morals than we do. I mean if someone thinks the slightest thing different then you they are the most despicable human being, so lets treat them as such. Instead of coming together to support the next chapter in American history, let us turn against one another. That probably will change the outcome of the election, right?
Assignment 14 :Flying Turkeys
The stock image of Thanksgiving involves a lot of people around a nicely decorated table with a large turkey and a ridiculous amount of extra food. This image doesn't always depict the reality of the holiday though.
What does your Thanksgiving look like? Do you enjoy the holiday? What is your strangest or most wonderful memory of the holiday?
What are some of your family traditions in general? Holiday or otherwise.
What are some of your family traditions in general? Holiday or otherwise.
Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, November 29th at 11:59 pm
December 4th is the last day to make up blogs 9-16
December 4th is the last day to make up blogs 9-16
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Assignment 14- Kathleen Gibbs
Throughout the years, Thanksgiving at my house has evolved from an every-other-year trip to Atlanta to be with my aunt and her family into a small celebration with my little family of four, my grandmother that lives up the street, and any neighbors who aren't able to be with their families. But this year, we decided that we aren't going to have the traditional Thanksgiving, that I love, but that we are going to travel to Chicago to see friends! I will miss all my favorite Thanksgiving dishes like cranberry casserole but spending time with long-distance friends is something I am thankful for. The real holiday season when you give thanks and celebrate the birth of Jesus is what is important, not how much "stuff" is under the tree or which family members are judging you. I love the way this time of year brings the focus back to the things in life that matter like family and friends and away from the negativity of this fallen world.
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Assignment 11-Elizabeth Ueland
It was late at night. Early in the morning actually. We were outside tee peeing houses early in November. We were on the last house and we could see our breaths in the crisp autumn air. Suddenly, we see a white figure breeze past us. Unshaken, we continue hurling toilet paper high in the tress decorating them as if they were christmas evergreens. Once again we see a white figure creep by us in the street. We nervously continue our tee peeing-wrapping the toilet paper around the front porch and breaking it up into little pieces in the yard being the most tedious to clean up. We see the white figure from afar and we all yell and hide in the bushes as it passes by. Once out of sight we dash to our cars and rapidly leave the neighborhood. While driving the main road heading home a girl speeds up and yells, "IT'S FOLLOWING US! IT'S FOLLOWING US!". Terrified, we speed downtown to try to lose the ghost-we presume- and make sure it doesn't follow us home. Turn after turn, we rapidly drive to get away from the ghost. After we think we lost him we aimlessly drive around for an hour telling each other scary stories about ghosts and killers and head home. We park the car, run inside, lock the doors, and try to sleep after the incident.
Assignment 13- Nick Joseph
In the current election cycle, illegal immigration is a hot topic. Now many rational people may propose actual enforcement of our country's laws, but I (at least for the purposes of this journal) have a different view. I think we should open up all of our country's borders and welcome everyone who wants to enter into our county, like one big happy family. Now, some would say that illegal aliens take American jobs. In reality, this could be a nice lesson in workplace diversity. These same people are probably very quick to point out the security risks of open borders. I choose to believe that all of these people would just magically get along with everyone else. You know, the more people, especially unvetted ones, you have in any given area, the less likely crimes are to occur. I know this to be a fact, but I simply forget the source. I would say that we need to change our immigration laws to follow these guidelines more closely, but since when does anybody in Washington actually follow laws? Clearly, an open border policy will benefit everyone, except for maybe fencing companies.
Assignment 13 - Joseph Cook
Election day is soon coming folks, and you will need a way to survive after the candidate has been chosen. This is your Post Apocalyptic Election Survival Guide.
Step one.
While you still have time, gather the necessary supplies for survival. Some good ideas of items to keep on your person at all times are: guns, ammunition, 72 hours worth of food, holy water, normal water, and a laminated copy of your will.
Step two.
To protect yourself from intruders it is a good idea to always keep your doors locked. In case of encounters with a political extremist, make sure you keep a reversible shirt that when turned inside-out it can either say "Vote Trump," or "Vote Hillary." This will ensure that no matter who you meet, you can identify with them.
Step three.
Whatever you do, DO NOT be a Latino. If Trump wins, he'll deport you. If he doesn't win, his supporters will. For more information on race change check out my book called "The Essence of White: How to Stop Being a Minority"
Step five.
Be observant. Notice anything unusual in your environment. The sound of a baby crying, a quick movement seen just out of the corner of your eye, a man with a gun aimed at your head. All of these are sure signs that something is wrong. If you feel something amiss, take a visit you your local library and ask a librarian, they are super smart. If this fails, blog about it! Everybody just loves hearing about your problems and would be happy to help.
Step six.
You are step six. That's right. You are the most important step. You know, aside from step four, but step four is too confidential. Be there. Be Strong. And don't forget to vote, people.
Step one.
While you still have time, gather the necessary supplies for survival. Some good ideas of items to keep on your person at all times are: guns, ammunition, 72 hours worth of food, holy water, normal water, and a laminated copy of your will.
Step two.
To protect yourself from intruders it is a good idea to always keep your doors locked. In case of encounters with a political extremist, make sure you keep a reversible shirt that when turned inside-out it can either say "Vote Trump," or "Vote Hillary." This will ensure that no matter who you meet, you can identify with them.
Step three.
Whatever you do, DO NOT be a Latino. If Trump wins, he'll deport you. If he doesn't win, his supporters will. For more information on race change check out my book called "The Essence of White: How to Stop Being a Minority"
Step five.
Be observant. Notice anything unusual in your environment. The sound of a baby crying, a quick movement seen just out of the corner of your eye, a man with a gun aimed at your head. All of these are sure signs that something is wrong. If you feel something amiss, take a visit you your local library and ask a librarian, they are super smart. If this fails, blog about it! Everybody just loves hearing about your problems and would be happy to help.
Step six.
You are step six. That's right. You are the most important step. You know, aside from step four, but step four is too confidential. Be there. Be Strong. And don't forget to vote, people.
Assignment 13 - Maddie Klumb
The election is looming. But it's okay, we can always hold a re-vote later like England after Br-exit. Meanwhile in America, one candidate is frantically emailing everyone they know begging for their last minute support. And the other is hoping nothing new surfaces in the next few days. Both are busy explaining to anyone that will listen that "At least I'm not the other one." The election will be rigged by Russia anyway so why bother going to vote? Oh right, every vote counts no matter what state you vote in, or what third party candidate you choose; the election is directly affected by you. As long as we remember that half of the country will be relieved- and the other half will just move to Canada or threaten to leave the Union- we can all vote with a clear conscience. America will improve either way - we are the best after all.
Assignment 12 - Maddie Klumb
Us glasses have the most interesting day; we travel everywhere our humans do. We get to see everything they see because without us they wouldn't be able to see. Every pair of us has a different daily routine. The interesting days are the ones when the humans decide not to wear contacts; that's when you know we will get to leave the house and accompany them on their journey throughout the day. Sometimes we go to school and sit through seven hours of lectures, tests, quizzes and other class activities. Sometimes we go to the extracurricular activity our human enjoys. And sometimes we sit and watch as they participate without us. In the end we always end up back at home on the bedside table, or in a case, or somewhere else our human is guaranteed to find us. Yes, us glasses have a really good life, for an inanimate object.
Assignment 13: Cha Cha Cha Changes!
Think of all of the things and ideas that exist in the world.
Which one bothers you the most?
First I would spend some time watching and or reading a great deal of satire to get into in the mental mode satire requires.
To Be Absolutely Clear -
You are writing your own SATIRE, not discussing satire. Read lots and lots and lots of The Onion or NewCircleCircular before you start! If you do not write a satire you will not receive credit and you will have to redo the assignment
To Be Absolutely Clear -
You are writing your own SATIRE, not discussing satire. Read lots and lots and lots of The Onion or NewCircleCircular before you start! If you do not write a satire you will not receive credit and you will have to redo the assignment
Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, November 13th at 11:59 pm
December 4th is the last day to make up blogs 9-16
December 4th is the last day to make up blogs 9-16
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Assignemnt 13-Kathleen Gibbs
While driving through the streets of Lexington last Monday,
I noticed several ways to make sure your kids stay safe on Halloween. Many
children want to dress up like little goblins or the grim reaper, in all black.
To ensure the utmost of safety for your children, allow them to wear all black
and dart across the street whenever they like without providing any reflectors
or flashlights. This way, cars will be very prepared for these micro-pedestrian
crossings and stay a safe distance away from your children. Better yet, allow
your children to dress with a striking resemblance to either presidential
candidate, when people see your little diplomatic terrors, they won’t feel any
impulse to harm your child. Due to the recent legalization of cannabis in many
states, the fear is that your children may be put in danger of their first
encounter with marijuana. Be sure and try ALL your kids candy before letting
their little mitts at it, this way you might enjoy Halloween too. Stay safe out
Assignment 12- Emma Tucker
Life as a backpack isn't easy. I am loaded up to the point where I think my seams will burst every single morning. There is binders and folders and calculators that I always have to carry around. Then I am thrown into the car and make my way to school where I sit and am forced to listen to every boring class. I hate being a backpack! There is a constant stream of paper constantly being added to me every single day. And I get no respect. There is always trash thrown into me, and it is never emptied out. I mean, Do I look like a trashcan? I always have to sit on there floor, no matter where we are, bathrooms, schools, outside, and let me tell, you those floors are nasty! I have so much dirt and grime on me and I rarely get wiped down, much less washed. I just get used to the point that I am too dirty and worn down that I have to get thrown away. I am constantly slung around, stepped on and kicked. At least I have my constant companion, Lunchbox. We go through everything together. She keeps me entertained as we sit and listen to class after class and lecture after lecture. I don't know what I would ever do with out her.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Assignment 10- Brianna Scott
In English this year, I get to sit by Emma Tucker. She is one of the sweetest and kindest people I know. We've gone to school together since the 6th grade, but we weren't close friends until freshman year. That year we had almost every class together and I know it made my school day so much better than it probably would've been. We always have something to talk or laugh about. Emma always keeps me updated on the latest celebrity scandal, just in case I might have missed it. We both have a thing for UK basketball players and know a little more than most about them, so it's not weird at all when one of us knows Wenyen Gabriel's favorite flavor of Ramen noodles. Emma genuinely cares about other's interests over her own and through that shows her love for Jesus in everything that she does. Having a friend like Emma encourages me to be a better person and to always see the bright side of whatever situation I might be in that day. If Emma was a color, she would be pink. Pink is a soft color, and I feel that it exemplifies the way that Emma cares for those around her. I think that it also represents her calmness, because she always can keep her cool in situations where I usually cannot. In five years, I see her traveling the world, running some kind of company, making a difference in the world. Though she may move somewhere else, I know that Lexington, Kentucky has a very special place in her heart. If she were an animal, she would be a puppy, because everyone loves puppies. I'm so blessed to get to experience high school with a friend like Emma.
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