Friday, August 19, 2016

Kathleen Gibbs-Assignment 1

Hi! My name is Kathleen Gibbs! I love to play golf, cook, craft, travel, and spend time at youth group and in the great outdoors. A few goals I have for the year are to do my best to stick to a schedule (not do things the night before) and to get the best grades that I am capable of. Over the summer I went to Oregon and Washington to hike, eat delicious food, and experience the splendor of the northwest. My favorite moment of the summer was probably in Portland when we climbed/hiked up a little bit of Mount Hood (the picture is below). We could see all of Hood Valley, Mount Saint Helen's, and Mount Rainier, it was an uncharacteristically clear day so we were very fortunate to be able to take in such a wonderful view. If I could have one superpower it would be to have an eye on the end of my finger so I could look around a corner, behind me, very stealthily, or I could act like I was sleeping and lift my finger up to survey my surroundings. A few things that I geek out over are the LPGA, math, pinterest, the Olympics, and all things crafty! My two favorite websites are, an awesome website with devotionals for girls, and, a website full of DIYs and fashion/style articles.  

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