Saturday, August 27, 2016

Assignment 2- Emma Tucker

Technology evolves everyday. It is constantly improving, across all aspects. It feels like everyday commercials pop up about refrigerators that can tells you what to make for dinner and announcements are made about the latest technology that the next iPhone will have. In most cases this technology is extremely helpful, it allows us the ability to be able to do so many things that even fifty years ago would seem impossible, like connecting with people all over the world in a split second. However, one aspect that is typically overlooked in technology is the negative impact the ability to share every thought or feeling we have has impacted society.
   Today, the media is an omnipresent force in everybody's life. As soon as something happens, from a new celebrity relationship to a major terrorist attack, everyone knows. And then, everybody throws there opinion in. One major realm we see this happen in is the political world. The smallest move a political figure makes can be dissected on the news for days, and every one feels the need to post what they think about it to social media. This has dramatically increased tensions between political groups, religious groups, and even our social groups.
    While the ability to communicate at such a large scale is truly incredible, we can't let it control our lives like it does. We have become addicted to sharing what we feel and reading what others have to say, and more often that not it just leads to bitterness and anger. The ability to use technology in communication is extremely helpful, but if we cant learn how to use technology to communicate positively instead of completely tearing people with differing beliefs than our own down, technology is going to continue to cause a greater divide between people than it already has.

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