Sunday, August 21, 2016

Assignment 1 - Erin Caudill

  I'm Erin Caudill, as seen in the title, and I am horrible at making myself seem interesting, so this should be entertaining. This school year I hope to work harder and stay focused (keep in mind I say this every year and so far there's been no success), but I especially want to feel like I've tried my best. The past two years of high school I've felt like I could've done so much better if I had just studied a little bit more or not have ignored what seemed like pointless homework assignments. Anyways, moving on from the negative things in life, this summer went by incredibly fast because of all the things that I did. Towards the beginning of summer I went down to Florida and spent a week at Disney. I'm a little kid at heart and very few things get me more excited than a week long trip to Disney. In mid July I took a trip with my youth group to New Orleans to participate in a National Youth Gathering and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I've been told that I seem to love my youth group more than my own family (which may or may not be true) and getting to spend time with them in a new city was an unforgettable experience. They've been my closest friends since I was in 3rd grade and I can't imagine a better way to spend part of my summer.
  Going off on a bit of a tangent, I absolutely love film. I struggled for a long time trying to pinpoint exactly what I want to do with my life, and I'd be lying if I said that I knew it exactly, but I do know I want to be involved in film in some sort of way. I've thought about screenwriting, directing, film editing, and countless other options (all not on camera, of course) and I love every single one. Whenever I tell people that I want to have a profession in film I get concerned looks, and maybe it is a risk to take, but I'll gladly take my chances.
  Speaking of film, what geeks me out are Christopher Nolan films. Now I'm not going to claim that I've watched all of his films, I've only seen a handful, but every one I've watched is just outstanding. In 9th grade we were able to pick a director and write an analysis essay on the specific director's style. I chose Christopher Nolan and spent hours writing and attempting to perfect an essay about how clever his choices were as a director and how his films are absolutely unbelievable. My favorite would either have to be The Prestige or Inception and I've watched both countless times.
  My favorite website is because I've probably wasted countless hours of my life watching stupid videos instead of being productive. Lastly here's the preview for The Prestige (I highly recommend watching it if you haven't seen it)

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