Saturday, August 27, 2016

Assignment 2 - Erin Caudill

 People are often theorizing about how technology is going to change and develop over time and how exactly that will affect the world. Technology has already made life easier in many different ways, and now that it has become such a huge part of our lives we can't help but wonder what's next. Personally, I believe technology usage will continue to grow and change life as we know it (which sounds like the opening for a really bad futuristic dystopian movie, I know). Now, to clarify, I'm not theorizing that robots are going to take over the world, but I am proposing that technology will have an even larger presence in our everyday lives. Will that include artificial intelligence robots that know how to do everything that humans can do? Most likely, no. However, I think the future will look something a bit more like Back to the Future 2. Of course some of the technology in Back to the Future 2 is already being produced (video calls, tablet computers, fingerprint recognitions, etc.) but how cool would it be to have flying cars? Or technologically advanced clothing that dries instantly or shoes that tie themselves? It's difficult to theorize what new technology might be created that hasn't already been proposed by someone else, and on that note I think holographic technology will likely be perfected in the next few decades. Just think, Iron Man's holographic computer, in real life. That's not to say that all technological advances will be a huge benefit to the world, in fact technology that we have now has its issues so I can't imagine what issues future technology will cause. Perhaps it will be much easier for hackers to get top secret information. Maybe it will be harder to keep personal information private. There are truly endless possibilities when it comes to the future of technology.

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