Sunday, April 30, 2017

Assignment 25-Kathleen Gibbs

I don’t actually feel stress like a lot of my peers do. I don’t get melt-downy. I do, however, get very tense, and when I notice it, pray about it and then make a plan as to how I am going to get everything done. And because I know that I can’t sit and work on homework for more than two straight hours, I factor in break times where I will practice golf, shower, or get a snack. I also try to put my phone away when I start to get stressed out, therefore I won’t be tempted and get distracted. My stress relief activities work well for me. I try to read scripture and remind myself that I always get it all done in the end and that stressing about EOCs, AP tests, and finals right now is only digging into the amount of time I have to study and prepare for them. 

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